Chapter Eight- Where Do We Draw the Line...

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Jeff's P.O.V-

I finished buckling the very last strap from the examination table onto Jace and he was already sweating profusely in anticipation. Poor thing, Slendy must've scared him so bad.... Why do such bad things happen to the ones who don't deserve it? Its not fair......he doesn't deserve to share this hell... Why couldn't I save him from this? He looks so fragile, like porcelain doll ready to crack with even the brush of a whispy breeze.. His chest starts rising and falling so fast its like he's trying to suck all of the air out of th room.

"Jeff?" he croaks out, pulling against the straps and causing the table to creak. Jace's glistening eyes dart around like a cornered animal, trapped. His bony digits claw for my hand, reaching for some kind of comfort and squeezed his eyes shut to the point where it seemed painful.

"Whatever happens, don't listen to him, Jeff. Something's inside of him. Something dark, deceitful....hungry..." Masky's body turned rigid. He's in the Operator's control now... His head snaps from me to Jace. "I need to pull it to the surface, see if I can force it out. " His voice was laced with concern, maybe even fear? Why would he be scared? What could make something that is MADE of nightmares worried?

I bow my head and nod, stepping away from Jace and Masky. "I understand... Just- make sure he's safe, okay?" I plead, barely audible. He nods stiffly, setting both palms on Jace's stomach. He was shaking and writhing, letting out trails of whimpers as cold hands met his delicate, soft flesh.

A low hiss escaped Jace's lips, making me shake in fear. Oh hell. His whole body convulsed, straining the leather straps until they groaned against his skin. The temperature dropped, like all of the air or whatever was left, froze.

Masky stepped back, drawing his hands back as if he'd been burned. "I need.......I need t-to contain him." his voice trembled. Masky drew a small bag of salt from his pocket and carefully untied the top of the sack.

"S-Salt?!" I squeeked out. "Why do you need salt!"

He put a single gloved finger to his porcelain lips in a silencing motion as he poured a large circle around Jace, me, and himself. "Demons can not hide from the eyes of those who've already felt death's embrace." Masky muttered,drawing out a dangerously sharpened knife. He hovered it over Jace's stomach, holding it in two hands.

My heart hammered a tattoo into my ribcage as I watched in horror. No.....No no no no no no no.....My heart froze in my chest as the knife raised, and slammed down, piercing all the way through Jace's spine with a sickening crunch.

"NO!" I screeched, lunging at Masky. It felt like IT slammed into a cement wall.

He began muttering latin words and withdrew the blade from his stomach. Any suction the knife held disappeared as blood rushed out and coated Jace's ever paler skin. It was getting whiter and greyer by the second.

It felt like a sledge hammer was bouncing around in my head. "N-No..........No......." I couldn't lift my head from the dirt floor, and my hands shook as I tried to reach up. Whatever had stopped me was gone. Just as easily as it came.

Masky's gaze fell on me. "See for yourself, who your precious Jace really is." He spat.

All of the pounding in my head faded out and I stood on wobbly limbs. Masky proceeded to draw symbols on Jace's pale skin that stood out ominously, as a reminder. He's gone.....Tears rolled down my cheeks as if a flood gate had opened. No.....He....H-He can't be dead......Not my baby, not before we even got to share enough time together......

I brushed his pale cheek with the back of my hand, sobbing even harder as tears hit his face one by one.

His eyes flew open as he sucked in a ragged breath. "Jace! J-" I reached out to touch him, but he let out a low, rumbling growl. No....His eyes were a milky white, more opaque than they were last time..Dark shadows lined his features, turning them from angelic to horrifyingly vicious. Predatory. Sharp teeth protruded from his mouth and he wore a chilling grin.

"Can you see us?" he whispered, moaning as he struggled against the straps and his eyes fluttered closed. This is wrong. His voice made a shudder of pleasure escape my lips as I fought the urge to hold him.

"Y-Yes. I s-see you." I clenched and unclenched my fists before glancing back at Masky. He gave me a nod of approval and I rested a hand on Jace's- or this thing's wrist.

"Good. But- can you find us? Can you keep us both?" he asked, voice sounding small and childish. That HAD to be Jace's thoughts, he had to be there somewhere, right?

I pondered over his words. "Maybe. But you need to give me clues. It's not fair if I need to find you and I don't know where to look."

Jace opened his eyes again and fliced his tongue out to lick his lips . He hummed in agreement. "True, let me elaborate." He cleared his throat. "We are one, yet separate. Twin souls, torn by the ages. One can stay. Not both. This quest is not of the usual sort, it is shorter, really. Find three items and use them. Two of which you already have." He smirked, letting out a giggle.

"What are they? What do you want?!" I prod, trying to elicit as much information as possible.

Jace let out a bitter laughter before craning his head to look up at me. Some of the differently colored blues were showing through. "My time is running out here... The first is a personal tool used for the abrupt end, and start." My knife..... "The second, two oddities of ice and sapphire." Jace's eyes, maybe.... "And time." Time?! How do I get time?! It doesn't make any sense!!!

"You never told me what you wanted!" I ground out.

His expression softened, appearing almost saddened. "To exist....To exist again, instead of being cast out like an old toy. And-And you. We want you..."

"Why?" I whispered, tears pooling in my eyes.

"Because, we've always wanted you...We were made for you, to love and cherish you... It's always been you." By the time he finished, the white haze subsided and his body lay limp again.

"I think I know what it's talking about... time. There's a special stone that is supposed to be able to give you longevity. Never growing old, or becoming sickly." Masky added. I forgot he was even here... He poured what looked like holy water on Jace's sunken stomach. Masky turned to face me. He had this dread filled, horrific aura about him. "Take him up to your room, he needs rest... Watch over him okay? He's still vulnerable."

I nodded, slowly unbuckling the leather and picking him up bridal style. He's so tiny, and.... he feels cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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