Chapter Two- Meeting With a Psycho

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Jeff's P.O.V-

"What are you doing here." I hiss out at the small, child-like boy infront of me. Instantaniously, he hops up, whirling around to face me. His eyes widen with fear, hatred, and....recognition? Why would he recognize me?

I stalk forward, having a loose grip on my knife as I smile. He puts his hands up, backing away in fright. "uh- I-I... I don't kn-know! I just woke up...h-here." He stuttered, letting out a tiny whimper as his back hit the wall.

Awwwww.... He looks so cute when he's scared... Wait! What?! Cute-why did I think he's cute! I'm a killer, I don't love anyone or think anything is cute! I savor the moment of his fear, intensifying it more so by going chest to chest with him "Really........ Why would you be the first place, boy? Have you not heard the rumorssss..." I ground out, my lips touching his ear, gaining a shiver from him.

I pull back, seeing a flash of anger, annoyance, and even a bit of lust. He stayed super still, not bothering to fight me. Why? Usually they fight me, or run when they get the chance.... This guy's either really dumb or just doesn't care. "M-maybe.... But y-you're not r-r-real!!! And my name's not BOY its-its Jace."

I smirk lazily, dragging my eyes from his waist to his face. Hm. I'll show him real.


Jace's P.O.V-

His eyes lit up with determination once i finished my sentence. Great job, Jace! You just made a total girl out of yourself and now this wacko is gonna kill you! Shit. Well, its too late to, like Gerard Way says, "When there's nothing you can do, Fuck It." So I toughened up, and pushed him away.

Raging anger sparked in Jeff's eyes, and i could almost see my near death in his bottomless eyes. He opened his mouth, about ready to yell..When i just shushed him...putting a finger over his lips. I narrowed my eyes, seering with annoyance. My skin felt like it was on fire, for several reasons: I was so, so annoyed by his unwavering pride....his unfading smile, and the way he had managed to stir some emotions in me.

Shit. How long was I out for? I pulled out my phone, whitening att the sight. It was already the day I had to leave!!! My eyes widened, and snapped back up to meet Jeff's. "Well, this has been fun and all, but I gotta go catch a train!" I bolted out the door, and through the woods. I could hear him coming up fast. Ha. Brings back memories..... I pounded my feet faster through the leaves. The city came into sight, giving me the boost to go faster. I let out a tiny squeak as cold metal sliced into ,my arm, making me stumble. I kept on, catching sight of the train station. Yes! I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna reallly make it!!!!

"You can't get away that fast!!!" Jeff roared from behind me. God damn! Does this guy ever quit!?!

I dodged him in the crowd, hearing screams of pain when his knife sliced into people around us. The ticket man was just in front of the train entrance. YES! I'm gonna live!!! Shakily, I shoved my ticket into his hands and bolted my ass all the way to the end back of the train. After ten minutes of running, I entered the last secion, taking a seat in the empty room. It was a relatively small space, with a couch that could easily be a bed. I curled up into my jacket and let out a heavy breath. "Free at last..." I breathed out. Sure, I was going to go too that fucked up school, but its got to be better than getting skinned by a psycho!!! My lungs were still burning, but it was fading as I relaxed deeper into the velvety couch....... I slipped easily into a deep, dream-filled sleep....

When I awoke, I peered out the window. It was dark outside, and the ride to the school was atleast another day away. I stretched out, somewhat like a cat. Ugh, my whole body aches. I stood on unsteady feet, immediately flopping onto the red plush carpet, and getting rug burn on my face. Gosh! It hurts!!!

I rubbed my hand on my cheek, dazed. "Need a hand, Jace."

I gasped, eyes traveling from the black shoes infront of my face, to the scarred and ripped face. The knife in his hand dripped with fresh blood, blending with the red carpet. I scrambled back, crashing onto the couch. He threw himself into the seat in front of mine. I sat up, letting out a shaky breath. I ran my trembling hand through my hair, and lit a cigarette. I drew in a deep drag from it, blowing it out into the air above my head. The grey smoke swirled in the air everywhere. "So, you're back to finish me off?" I questioned, trying to look as calm as possible.

He smirked, grabbing the cigarette from my hand and drawing in a breath from it. He smiled, grey vapor slipping from his sliced open smile. He seemed to be pondering this as he twirled the knife between his fingers. "No, not yet....I want to have a little fun, first...."

I raised an eyebrow, taking the cigarette back and snufding it our on the seat. I picked at my black nail polish, wearing an unamused expression. "Hm. Well, unfortunately, I'm getting fucked over by my whore of a mother and bitch of a boyfriend." I glanced back up at him with a glare strong enough to burst him into flames. "So I have to attend some shitty school for fags."

His eyebrows raised, and he leaned forward. "So, what does that make you?"

My eyes widened, and I leaned forward slightly too. I subconsciously ran my fingers through my hair. "Well," I clapped my hands together. "I am getting sent ther because i'm gay...." I felt really embarrassed to tell him, and a blush crept up my cheeks. "And because my 'parents' think I'm fucking crazy......"

It was dead silent for a second, until Jeff spoke again. "Relatively would enjoy it if I kissed you.." it was sort of a question.

My skin burned as I blushed nd my eyes snapped up to meet him. "I-I-" I was lost for words. I cleared my throat. "I..I don't really...know....I only ever had one boyfriend..." Wait-why am I telling him this?!

He nodded, understandingly. I could feel tears welling in my eyes at the memory of my Aiden... I felt warm hands holding either side of my face, and felt lips on mine in an instant. It had me shivering with pleasure. I kissed back, but all too soon they left me. I opened my eyes, seeing Jef breathing heavily. I blushed harder, scooting farther away as possible. "I-I'm sorry-" His hand snatched up my wrist, making me freeze like a deer caught in headlights.

His eyes turned darker, and he let out a sickening laughter. His fingers traced my veins, making me shiver in delight. How could he be this nice, after trying to kill me? "Don't be. But i guess I was right. You did like it...." He muttered, lost in thought. I wonder what he was thinking.......

Hhe stood quickly, letting go of my wrist. "I have to go." His voice sounded cold. He disappeared out the door, leaving me in an unbearable silence.....

Lost In Mirrors (Jeff The Killer Love Story)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now