My human mate

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By time I got home I could barely stand. There was a strange pain in my stomach that was worse then cramping when I'm on my period.
I made it to the couch before I collapsed into a bawl. I groaned out in pain. It hurt so bad.
After awhile I noticed that I had started to cry.
What the hell is wrong with me?!
It felt like someone was shoving knifes threw my stomach all the way to my back and twisting them when they were being pulled out.
I started to feel dizzy and I couldn't breathe.
The last thing I heard before passing out was a bunch of pounding footsteps.

I stared at the door when Allison left. I wasn't clear at all what had just happened.
Bryan looked at me with a worried expression.
I screamed out, suddenly furious.
"Okay calm down. As soon as she gets home she will probably start the separation, we need to get there now."
Bryan said with urgency.
I couldn't stop shaking, my wolf was going crazy.
"Get my dad, ill meet you over there."
I told Bryan. I ran outside, trying to get in my car without my wolf coming up.
Didn't work.
Right when I was about to get in he came out. I shifted in mid air and I knew there wouldn't be any controlling what I did for a little bit.
My wolfs actions surprised me a bit though. Instead of being angry like I expected, he ran, he ran all the way to Allison's house.
I shifted quickly when I got control and slammed through the front door.
As I was walking in I saw Bryan and my dad pull up. Bryan quickly passed me some pants and I slid them on.

When I saw Allison on the couch I thought I was going to drop to the ground.
She was shaking and sweating a bunch. She had her arm clutched over her stomach.
She let out a scream and one last gasp before she passed out.
I quickly ran up to her and dropped down on my knees.
Even though she wasn't awake, I could still feel her pain.
I course it wasn't as strong as hers, but I still felt it.
"What do I do?!" I screamed out.
"Okay first, you have to wake her up," my dad said slowly and calmly.
I felt my body start shaking again. How can he be so calm in this situation? My mate is hurt! "Cole. Wake her up." My dad used his Alpha tone and I knew I had to.
"Dad she's human. She won't understand anything I have to do."
I explained while I woke Allison up.

Allison jolted up with a scream then quickly fell back down.
She curled up on her side facing me, pain clear in her eyes. "Please... Make it...stop!" She said between paints.
She let out another scream and more tears rushed down her face.
I held back my tears as I tried to calm her down.
"It's okay sweetheart. You'll be okay, I can fix it. Just hold on." I whispered soothing things to her and gently rubbed her hand.
I looked up at my dad, asking what I needed to do next.
"Mark her." He said.
"But, dad! She won't understand! She will be mad at me when she does find out, and she'll be mad at me even is she doesn't find out!" I went on blabbering. "If she found out she would hate me for it." I tell him.
"If she is your actual mate, she will understand."
I looked down at Allison.
"This might hurt sweetheart, but not for long. It will make you feel better. I promise." I whispered to her.
I slowly moved her hair out of the way and held her still.
I didn't want to mark her this way, I was hoping for something more romantic, when she knew about me and everything. But if this would make it stop hurting her, I would do it.
I was surprised that her walking away would symbolize a rejected mate, but things must be different for humans.

I rubbed the spot that connected her shoulders and neck, then I bite down.


When I wake up cole is there.
It makes the pain hurt less but I don't want him to be there.
I can't really control what my body is doing though. And his presence calmed me down.
I looked at him, hoping he could get it to stop.
After awhile I could barely make out what everyone was saying.
But Coles voice was the loudest.
I heard him whispering stuff about something hurting.
Then I felt it.
I'm pretty sure I screamed, but soon it felt nice. It felt amazing and painful at the same time.
And it actually turned me on.

After cole pulled away I came back to reality
"Do you just," I felt the mark on my shoulder, "bite me?!?"
I kind if whisper yelled at him. "Oh lord." I said after a little bit. I felt externally tired now. But I did notice the terrible pain from earlier was now gone.
My eye lids slowly started to flutter closed.
I heard cole whisper, "goodnight sweetheart" right before I passed out.

I kissed Allison's forehead as she feel asleep.
I looked up at my dad, "thanks dad."
I told him. If he wasn't here I would have had no clue what to do.
"No problem. We're going to head out. You need a ride?" He asked.
"Nah. Ill stay here a bit then run home." I told him.

When he closed the from door I slid up on the couch next to Allison.
Now since she's been marked, you can feel the bond getting stronger. People will know we are almost fully mated now. And other wolves will know that she is off limits.
But that means I will have to tell her soon.
And that she will go into heat in a couple of days.
And now it will also be hard for us to leave each other.

I looked down at Allison and smiled. I'm so happy she is my mate. Human or wolf.
IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE THURSDAY! My mom ended up having her baby that day, and I was the only person home when she was stuck in the hospital for three days. So I was in the hospital 24/7. And I had worked in it in the hospital, but I use all my 3G on my phone so I couldn't upload it. Im really sorry, and I understand f you hate me. I hate me to. Anyways today was my first day of school!and now in goin to bed.
Goodnight I love all of my readers as voters and commenters.

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