My human mate

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chapter 4;

I woke up early the next morning to go for a run.
Not because I was afraid of getting fat, because I was on the track team, and we had two weeks off, and I new if I didn't run I would not be as good as I am now.

I've always been the faster kid growing up, and typically stronger. I've never really thought anything of it. Running just felt so natural.

I pulled on my running shorts and changed into a sports bra.
I usually run up to the school then run laps on the schools track. I do this until I get kicked off because school will start soon, on a typical day I would bring my school stuff with me and shower and change in the girls locker room, but today I luckily didn't need to!
Being suspended has its perks.
When I got to the school and jogged down to the track, I found someone else already there.
He was a ginger, and that was about all I noticed about him, except for the fact that he was shirtless.
I strangely didn't find him as attractive ad I normal would.
I will admit, I am extremely flirty. And I've had my round on some of the guys, but I'm not your typical rude slut.
Sure I bang some guys every once and awhile but I'm not one of those "mean girls" that you read about.
And I'm a sucker for gingers, but I didn't feel attracted to this guy. And I had know idea why.
I started my run and quickly passed the guy up.
He came and passed me up.
Then I passed him.
We competed for awhile of who could stay in front longest. But eventually we just fell into step together.
We both had headphones in so we didn't talk. All though we were both kind of breathing heavy so I don't think we would have anyways.

After awhile I saw some cars start to slowly pull into the school and I decided I was tired.
I glanced if at the ginger and he looked at me.
I gave him a grin, then started out in a sprint.
We were both going full speed as we raced to the finish line.
I liked it up a notch like I always do at track meets.
In the end I beat him by three foot steps.
We walked off the field in sync.
After we has both caught out breath he said, "damn. You're really good."
I shrugged my shoulders, "I know."
He let out a low chuckle.
"So what are you?" I asked him. He turned to me with wide eyes.
"W-what??" He asked.
"Jeez you make it look like you think I'm asking if you're not human or something. What are you, track wise. Short distance? Or long?"
He let out a sigh and I raised my eyebrow at him. He finally answered, " I don't run track."
"Really? You should join, you would deffinetly place first at meets."
"Nah. It would be to unfair for all the other guys."
I have him a look, "you do realize that I just beat you."
He gave me a goofy grin. "Just messin with ya. But I'm not much into team sports. If I wanna run, ill go out and take a run. Why do I need to be on a team?"
"I thought that at first to. But I like it. More encouraging and you get pushed more."
"Maybe I will try I out"
"I'll be expecting to see you at practice then."
I looked up at ginger but he had his head whipped up at a corner in the school building. He looked like he was concentrating really hard, and getting frustrated at something.
I looked up at the building then squinted my eyes.
I doubt I would be able to see anything, I have really bad vision far away and i didn't wear my contacts or glasses.

All if a sudden I was being scooped up and tossed over gingers shoulder.
"HEY! What do you think you are doing?!?" I yelled at him pounding my fist against his back, probably making bruises.
"Ow! Would you stop? That hurts!"
"We'll maybe I wouldn't have to punch you if you would set me down!"
"I can't! I have to take you to cole. He is pissed my the way."
I found myself smiling at Coles name. But it soon vanished.
"Why does he need me?!"
"I don't know! It's orders though, I have to take you."
"Just take me home!"
"That's why I'm carrying you. If I let you down you would go home."
I sighed and gave up on fighting him.
"What's your name, ginger?" I asked him.
I listened carefully but I was found with complete silence.
I let out a sigh as I was carried to Coles house.

When we finally got there Ginger let me down on to my feet.
I didn't do anything but glare up at him.
He walked into the house like he owned the place.
I stayed out on the porch, debating wether I should run back to my house really quick or just go in.
I was having an inner battle with myself on if I could remember the way back, when I was being grabbed and pulled into the house.
I looked up and smirked at Coles green eyes. I noticed his eyes lingerie on my body for a minute until he finally met my gaze.
We all just sat there in silence for a moment. Then Cole lashed out.
"What have you been doing?!?!"
"Running?" I answered him.
"In THAT?"
"Well, what else do you expect me to wear?!"
"I don't know! Something that's covering more of," he moved his hands all over the skin that was showing on me, "this."
"I always go running in this! I get hot if I don't."
"Do you always go running with, males?" When he said the world males it was obviously said with disgust.
I rolled my eyes up at him and put my hand on my hip. "And why do YOU care?" I asked him.
"Why wouldn't I care?!? You are my ma-"
Ginger cleared his throat before Cole said anything.
Cole and Ginger stared at each other for awhile.
"WHAT?!" I finally yelled at them both.
They snapped my head in my direction for a split second before going back to their silent conversation.
"It's just not fair that I got stuck with THAT!" Cole made arm motions at me, "and this whole mess!"
I dropped my jaw at this.
"Really? You didn't HAVE to talk to me! You didn't HAVE to jump in my fight! You didn't HAVE to come to my house! So soooorrrryy you got "stuck" with me! It's not like you had to talk to me in the first place." I told cole before turning and walking out I the house.

It's not my fault that he decided to talk to me. And it's not like I was holding him back from talking to other people. Hell I didn't even make it so he had to talk to me.
But I'm just a "that" to him.
Every step I took away from him hurt. And I had no clue why.
We had just met the other day, I didn't even know he existed before that fight. So I didn't get why it hurt this bad to be called a "that" by him. And why it hurt this bad to walk away.
Sorry it took me so long to update guys. My plan is to update every Thursday. But I got side tacked this week because I have some family in town. But they are leaving tomorrow so next Thursday I won't be busy at all.
Of course when the school year starts it might take a little longer to update and I'm sorry if that happens!
Tell me what you thought of this chapter. I got a little bit of drama going on now! It should get better from here. And I don't really have a good cover for this, so if you guys have one please kik it to me @/team_gale_12 !!! That would be lively! Thanks!
Love you, bye!

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