My human mate

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MY HUMAN MATE *not edited*

I woke up around 10:30 in the morning.
Hey, it doesn't matter, I'm suspended. Only for a couple of days unfortunately.
Although it did mean that I had a very good yelling to by my dad.
I knew he honestly didn't care THAT much.
He doesn't care about anything the same as he used to. So I know he didn't really care, although he did leave me the longest list of chores to do.
I made my way to the kitchen to get a bowl of fruity pebbles.
"That's a big bowl of cereal you got there."
I threw my bowl at whoever it is then lunged behind the couch to hide.
"Whoever the fuck you are, you're messing with the wrong person, so you better get the fuck out of my house. Right. Now. "
"Really sweetheart? And what are you going to do to me if I don't?"
I recognize that voice. But I'm not about to take a chance.
"I have a gun you bastard."
"You sure do use quite foul language."
"I don't want to have to use the gun but I'm not afraid to."
"Get out from behind the couch."
"No!!! I don't know you."
"After seeing you yesterday, I'm sure you can defend yourself."
"Aright, here's the deal, ill drop my gun if you drop whatever weapon you have."
I thought for a bit then added. "And you have to buy me a new bowl and two boxes of fruity pebbles."
I grabbed the closet small,hard, object closest to me, then slide out from behind couch.
"Oh." I stop and pause. "It's you." I say, looking at cole.
"Who did you think it was?"
"A serial killer." I then dropped whatever I had, which turned out to be a spoon.
"You said no weapons. And what were you going to do? Stab me with a spoon?"
"Hey! First I said I would drop my GUN if you dropped all your weapons!" I said placing my hand on my hip. "and second! I can choke you to death with a spoon! So shut your face!"
He chuckled a bit, "alright alright,"
I plopped down on the couch.
"Wait. Why the fuck are you at my house?"
"So we can spend our suspended time together." He said while sitting down on the couch.
" I barely even know you. And how did you get into my house?"
"Your dad let me in. And you can get to know me."
"Okay. "
" first my name is cole."
"Got that already buddy."
"The proper response is, 'hi cole nice to me you. Then you say your name"
"I'm Allison."
"Hi Allison. What's your favorite movie."
"Monsters inc." I state matter of factly. "Wait, I take that back, toy story. That's deffiently my favorite."
"What about, for real movies?" He asked.
"Hold up! Those are for real movies"
"Yes, they are for real movies for little kids, not grown teenagers."
"You know what? You can just shut the fuck up. Those are the best movies of all time and fuck you if you don't like them."
"Jeez. You're really into your little kid movies."
"Whatever. You have to make me new fruity pebbles."
He chucked a bit before surrendering when I raised my spoon up at him.

He came back into the living room with my bowl of fruity pebbles.
"Thank youuuuuu!" I cooed out at him.
"Anytime sweetheart."
I grabbed the tomorrow and turned on Full House.
"I though Full House was off the air." Cole said, while giving me a questioning look.
"I've recorded every episode ever."
"Damn girl, you really enjoy your Full House."
"Hell yeah I do."
I crossed crossed my legs and put my cereal in the middle of them as I concentrated on the episode in front of me.
It was the one where Uncle Jessie goes to Japan for tour and he becomes all stuck up for a bit.
" I love this one." I mutter to myself.

After a bowl if cereal and two episodes of Full House I'm spread across the couch. My legs on Coles lap. I try to ignore the warmth and the tingly's I get from being on him, but it's quite difficult.
"I should umm, try and, you know... That thing." I can't complete a sentence because of the feeling.
My eyes keep darting down to my legs on his lap.
He places his hands on top of my legs, obviously completely aware of the effect it's having on me.
As soon as he settles his hands on me I find myself needing him to touch more of me. Not even sexually. I just need to touch him.
I prop myself up on my forearms and stare at our touching skin.
I do t think I can control my self from touching him.
I plop back down and groan.
"What's wrong cupcake?" Cole asks. Amusement clear in his voice. He knows damn right what's wrong.
I can't reply though.
If I reply I will have to touch him.
I grip the edge of the sofa, trying to make sure I don't go near him.
I find my back arching even more then regular as I let out another groan.

Next thing I know Cole is on top of me.
"I know." He whispers. "I feel it also."
He tells me.
My arms instantly wrap around his neck, playing with the hair that's there.
"Why do I feel it though?" I ask him.
" I know why but I can't tell you right now. You have to wait."
"How long?" I ask him
"It depends on you. I have a feeling it won't be long though."
"Okay." I find myself being fine with this. Although usually I would have demanded an answer right then and there.
All I can think about is being close to him.
He starts to rub his hands down my sides and a chill goes through my spine.
I look up at his green eyes. I can't take it anymore.
I push my lips against him so quickly it startles me. I'm about to pull away when i complete process what I'm doing, but Cole pulls me even more forward into him.
He licks my bottoms lip and I part my mouth slightly. I moan out as his tongue explores my entire mouth.
He groans to placing his hand on my hips and pulling me closer to him. If that was possible.
My fingers start to trace his abs and he moans into my mouth.
He then bites my bottom lip a little, pulls away then says, "I'll see you tomorrow, cupcake."
And then he's out the back door.
As suddenly as when he showed up. I stare out but don't see him.
I sigh and fall back against the couch. This guys is amazing.
And kinda of a jerk or leaving me with my list of chores to do, alone.
I then get up and begin my chores, the whole time thinking about him, and that amazing kiss.
Sorry for not updating in a forever long time.
I know. You guys probably hate me.
i would hate me to.
But even I to do hate me, it would be lovely if you voted or comment or tell me if this is the worst story you have ever read. Anything really would be greatly appreciated. But I would prefer if it was good!
Anywho, love you guys all. Remover tell me whatcha think!

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