My Wife?..

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It was 03:25am when I woke up to the sound of my little baby boy crying. I knew I should go see to him, but I was so tired...
Then, from the baby monitor (that was on my bed side table) I heard what must be my wife singing 'rock a by baby' to him and he soon stopped crying.
Smiling, I turned over on my bed. My wife was right next to me...


It turned out that it was an old homeless woman who had lost her children in a fire who was singing to my son. When I found out it wasn't my wife in his room I ran to see who it really was. As soon as the woman saw me she gasped and put him back down in his cot. I asked who she was, she explained about her children and she meant my child no harm. Then the police came barging in. My wife had heard the whole thing and called them almost 5 minutes ago!
At the police station the woman had to tell her whole story again explain that she just wanted to be with a child again. But then she said something that sent shivers up my spine and caused my wife to clutch our boy protectively.
She said...
"I visit your son every night"

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