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Stiles opened the door to the hut and saw the sleeping girl on a cot. he walked in and thought to himself this is a terrible idea. what am I thinking just barging in here? he decided to speak, maybe she would wake up. "are you Lydia?" Stiles spoke softly so if anyone was awake, he couldn't be heard. only Lydia could hear him, if that was even her name. but then, her eyes fluttered open and she stared at Stiles,"what'd you say?"
Stiles said shocked,"uh...is your name Lydia?" she looked around the room confused,"I don't remember my name. I don't remember anything. where am I?" Stiles had been through the same thing the girl was going through right now,"don't be scared. I can't remember anything either. none of us can. you'll get your name back in a few hours. I'm Stiles." the strawberry blonde stared at Stiles,"none of us? theirs more people here?" Stiles sighed and answered her question,"yes. we're all boys. you're the only girl here." the girl froze.

flashes of things came back to her but she had no idea what they meant. then she remembered her name.

"I'm Lydia!" she screamed. Stiles got scared because maybe someone had heard her,"be quiet, Lydia." it was too late. the rudest boy in the glade, Gally, came in,"Stiles?" he gave an awful look. "uh...I couldn't sleep so uh...I came in here and she woke up. now she remembers her name. she's Lydia." Stiles said nervously and truthfully. Gally thought for a moment and said to him,"you're running the maze today." Stiles' jaw dropped open,"come on, Gally, I didn't do anything! I swear!" Gally was still set on his decision,"you've gotta do something today. you're running." Lydia said out of her confusion of what was called the maze,"I'm not sure what the maze is, but it sounds dangerous and I only feel comfortable around Stiles. maybe his work today could be showing me around this place." Gally was put in his own thoughts again,"fine. you're let off this one time, Stiles. don't screw it up."

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