Memory Lost - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Jane worked vigorously trying to accomplish as much as possible before one of the guys returned. They left each day at different times and trickled in and out all day at varying times. Jane had no idea where they went, what they did, or when they would return. That was no surprise; there was very little she knew about her past, why should her present be any different?

Well there wasn’t much she could do about that problem except try to remember. She returned her focus to the matter at hand and was setting the table when Jax entered the apartment.

She knew that it was him when he yelled, “Something smells good. What could it be? I think it is coming from in here.” Ending his monologue by entering the kitchen and winking at her.

She had decided to set the table for all five of them each meal and just put away any dishes that were unused at the end of the meal. With this approach, no one would feel overlooked and all would feel welcome. These men didn’t look like anyone she would want to upset.

“ Hi, Jax.” She said softly. "I made some lunch."

“Ho boy!” He said with a twinkle in his eye, as he quickly filled his plate with quiche.

“I know it’s not a traditional lunch food, but the cupboards didn’t offer many choices. Not that I mind.” She added quickly. “But I could make you guys a lot more with a few more ingredients. If you show me the sale flyer for the store you want to shop at, I could...,” she paused as she watched Jax refill his plate with another heaping pile of quiche. “Shouldn’t you save some for the others?” she asked.

“Naw,” he said. “They can fend for themselves.” As he continued to devour the quiche.

“Do all of you have such hearty appetites?”

“When the food is this good.” He said quickly between bites.

“Really, you like it?”

“Woman, this meal is A-plus!”

“I’m so glad you like it.” She said with a smile and an almost audible deep breath. “So about picking up a few things…”

“Give me a list and I’ll be back in a flash.”

“Oh I didn’t mean you had to go right away. It can wait.”

“If you promise to get right back to cooking, I can run to the store now.” He said with a wink.

When he acted like this, it made her uncomfortable and she felt her cheeks grow hot as a blush climbed her face. He needed to stop winking at her and turning that gorgeous smile on her, especially when they were alone. It was going to make sleeping in the same room tonight awkward.

 That flimsy sheet that was hung between them didn’t keep out the noise of Jax preparing for bed each night. As she would lay there trying to sleep, she couldn’t help but imagine what each sound meant. She would hear him unzip his jeans and shuck them off.

 Now that he was flirting with her, Jane’s mind wandered to bedtime and how his bedside lamp would show off the silhouette of him shucking off those pants.

If it had been Tate flirting with her, she would have been a goner. That guy was sexy with a capital “S.” There was no resisting him. Any encouragement from him and she would be all over him. Now that would be truly embarrassing! Good thing there wasn’t a chance of that happening with his obvious and very strong dislike of her.

Jax dropping his fork onto his now empty plate swiftly brought Jane back to the present.

“I, um, when do you think the other guys will be back?” she managed to squeak out.

“Aww…Jane,” he said as he moved from his chair and grabbed her in a swift bear hug that lifted her off her feet. “You are one shy cookie. Us guys would never hurt ya. You need to relax around us. Now give me this list of things and I’ll be on my way.”

She was glad to have a reason to turn away and be able to have something to do with her hands. It had felt way too good in his warm solid arms. She had felt truly safe and protected. What was she thinking? This was Jax. He probably treated all women this way. She was just so naïve that she actually took it personally. How embarrassing! Time to be all serious and put some distance between them.

“I started to compile this list of basic items that I’ll need to make just about anything. With these things…“ she said while turning around and presenting the list to him. She kept her eyes on the list avoiding eye contact with Jax and continued, “…I can make quite a few meals.”

“Ok. Take it easy little lady.” Jax said as he grabbed the list and whisked out of the room unaffected by the hug he had shocked Jane with.

Jane had no idea how she was going to survive living with these guys; no big men. Why do they all look like they borrowed their size and muscles from super heroes.

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