Chapter Eight

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Death the Kid tried his best to dress in a casual manner. After an hour or so he decided on a striped shirt with exactly 16 lines, eight of each color. If he was going to be doing asymmetrical things he might as well look as symmetrical as possible. He finished getting dressed easily, but hesitated with his rings. He took a deep breath and removed one of his rings.

He walked down the stairs to find Patty and Liz eating their breakfast. They were both still in their pajamas. Kid sighed. He had done this on purpose. He made sure they didn't know he was going out until he was about to leave so they wouldn't follow him.

"I'll be back around eight." Kid said nonchalantly.

"Where ya goin'?" Patty asked with a frown.

Liz looked at him with an expression he couldn't quiet read, "Are you going out on a date?"

He laughed, "I'd hardly call it a date."

"But you are going with Maka?" Liz asked.

Kid kept a neutral face, but felt alarmed. He was, oh so, tempted to lie. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something in Liz's tone told him to.

"Never mind," She said before he could reply, "I don't care really."

"Kiss." Patty demanded.

Kid smiled. Patty liked for him to kiss her forehead and tell her he'd be back just like she imagined a father would. He walked over to her and kissed her forehead mumbling reassuringly he'd be back at eight. He didn't know what possessed him, but he did the same to Liz. His lips touched her forehead and wanted nothing more than to slide down and kiss her lips.

He attempted to back away before his temptations overtook him, but Liz took hold of his arms. He looked into her eyes. Why did they seem so sad?

"You're only wearing one ring." She whispered.

"I'm aware." He replied.

He was confused about her expression. Was there anger and pain in her eyes or was it his imagination? He suddenly didn't want to go with Maka and Black*Star. He wanted to stay here and ask Liz what was the matter with her…but he needed to talk to Maka about her father.

"I'll be back." He said as her hands slowly released their grip.


"Where are you going, Black*Star?" Tsubaki asked.

Black*Star paused on his way to the door. He thought she was taking a shower. Slowly, he turned around to face Tsubaki. She was already changed. He was hoping to escape from the house without having to explain.

"I'm going out." He replied putting his hands in his pocket.

Tsubaki looked at him surprised. She didn't remember him telling her anything about going out. She smiled after a moment of thought.

"With Soul?" She shook her head with a smile that took Black*Star's breath away, "You boys and those silly video games. Have fun."

"I'm not going with Soul." Black*Star said going to the door, "I'm going with Maka. See ya later."

He didn't want to lie to her even if she was the one who had assumed. He opened the door and walked out. Tsubaki's face dropped. Had she missed something? Since when did Maka and Black*Star hang out without Soul and Tsubaki there?


"Soul," Maka called out from her room, "Can I borrow you're headphones?"

Soul walked into her room with a look of confusion. She had been wandering around the house all morning like a crazy lady. She'd walk by mumbling something and then stop right before yelling something like, "Oh that's right, I forgot." He watched as she put something in her backpack.

"What do you need them for?" He asked leaning against her door frame, "Why not just use yours?"

"Mine are asymmetrical." She replied as she opened her closet, "I want Kid to listen to something and I'm afraid he won't with my headphones."

Soul felt his blood boil. Why did it make him so angry? A cool guy like him shouldn't get so upset especially if he doesn't know what for.

"Sure." He replied despite what he felt, "Whatever."

She turned to smile at him. She couldn't help but feel happy. Two of her guy friends wanted to do things for love. A word she wasn't sure existed. Then there was Soul.

Her partner, Soul Eater Evans, was a guy she could trust in. He could act so stupid sometimes, but when it came down to it he was there for her when she needed. She sighed happily before opening her arms and hugging Soul. He stood there paralyzed for a second. What on earth was she doing?

"Thank you, Soul." She said.

"They're just headphones, Maka." He answered.

He had never noticed before but she smelt nice. She was also really soft and warm. Why was his heart beating so fast? She let him go and looked him in the eyes.

"Not just for the headphones." Maka giggled.

"Then what f-"

"Oh, shoot is that the time?" Maka asked looking at her clock, "I have to go. I'm going to get your headphones from the counter. See ya later."

She rushed out with her backpack. Soul stood there for a moment more. She was going with another guy and he was letting her walk out the door. Why did she need someone else? Wasn't he enough?

He was sure he was way better company than Kid! He knew when to chill and didn't over react with something as silly something not being in the right place. Soul leaned against a wall. Why was it so hard to think she could like Kid?

"I've been with her longer." He said, "I can understand her better than that moron!"


"What do you mean my little girl is dating Death the Kid?!" Spirit asked angrily.

"Those are the rumors." Stein chuckled.

Sid nodded and crossed his arms, "When I was alive, I never listened to gossip because it wasn't the kind of man I was, but I heard Black*Star is in the mix now too."

Stein whistled, "Who would have thought that Maka took after her father as well?"

"No!" Spirit broke down on his knees, "My little Maka is too young for a boyfriend! I'll save you from those boys my darling little daughter."

Spirit, now on full daddy mode, had completely forgotten the conversation he had with Kid. All he knew at that moment was that he needed to protect his daughter. Stein and Sid watched him leave the room in chuckles.

"What do you think is really going on?" Sid asked.

"No idea, but it is probably a lot different than what everyone else believes." Stein pulled out a cigarette from his lab coat, "Maybe they're training. The three of them are meisters after all."

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