Chapter Seven

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"So, I heard you are a dreamy kisser." Maka smiled as she sat down next to Kid underneath the tree.

Kid looked up at her in surprise. He had once again been so deep in thought he lost his guard. He smiled at Maka, but gave her a confused look. Where had she gotten that idea? He had never kissed a girl.

The thought hadn't crossed his mind until he was fourteen and realized he like Liz. He had once admired her lips aloud and was punched by a blushing Liz. It had somehow made his mind not wonder there.

"Where on earth did you hear that?" He asked.

"A girl was gushing over you in the hallway and I overheard her say it." Maka let out a giggle, "I didn't know you were so popular."

"Neither did I." Kid admitted.

They both sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. The presence of one was soothing to the other. Kid had to talk to her about Spirit, and Maka wanted nothing more than to help Kid. She could tell something was bothering him and figured it was that it was his progress with actually getting Liz. Much to her surprise she found that Death the Kid, son of Lord Death, was a shy guy.

She put her hand on his. It surprised him and he looked at her while she blushed, still not use to making bold moves like that, and met his gaze. It was odd but they began to laugh. Once they settled down, Kid felt the need to touch her hair the way he imagined to do to Liz. He reached to touch her and then decided in messing up her hair.

"What are you doing?" Maka asked with a smile.

"I was just checking if you were still pretty even with messed up hair." He smiled gently and said with a soft voice, "You do."

Kid found that Maka was very self-conscious. He wondered why that was. Not only was Maka a very pretty girl, but had a personality that was very lovable. Not that it was Kid's particular taste, he was oddly more found of Liz's. He just loved Liz to no extent.

"I, the great Black*Star, find that line completely silly!" Black*Star shouted, "Although considering it's you Kid, it just maybe good."

Maka and Kid jumped back. They looked at Black*Star flabbergasted. He sat down in front of them. Kid and Maka looked at each other and then back at Black*Star.

"Well, go on." Black*Star said, "Kiss."

"What?" Kid and Maka asked in unison.

"What are you even doing here?" Kid questioned.

"Does it matter why I'm here?" Black*Star asked crossing his arms, "Just bask in my presence."

"It does matter why you're here!" Kid stated, "Why are you asking Maka and I to kiss?"

Black*Star sighed. He was really hoping they'd shrug it off and continue. He should have realized that he was asking this of the serious Kid and the easily offended Maka.

"Fine, I'll tell you, but you can't tell anyone!" Black*Star looked at the two with an uncharacteristic serious look, "I need to get Tsubaki to notice me. Maybe if I knew how to act romantically she'd look at me instead that stupid idiot she's interested in."

"Tsubaki is interested in someone else?" Maka asked surprised.

"I know!" Black*Star yelled, "With a big star like me around, she shouldn't be able to take her eyes off me."

Kid scoffed, "With an ego like that, you're luck she even sits in the same room as you."

"Kid have you always had those three lines in your hair?" Black*Star asked.

Kid suddenly began to tremble. It surprised Black*Star that he didn't break into a big fit yet again he wasn't exactly moving either. He was just making a pained face. Black*Star shrugged and turned his attention to Maka.

"Listen, I don't really need Kid involved." Black*Star began sheepishly, "I just need to know what girls want a guy to act like and stuff. I mean I can usually tone it down for Tsubaki, but obviously that hasn't been enough. So…So can you please help me?"

Maka's jaw dropped. Was she dreaming; did Black*Star, the obnoxious, egotistical, self-centered boy was asking Maka to help him in a nice tone? Why was it that her guy friends were asking her for help? When had they seen her in a relationship? Did they just assume she knew everything because the way her father was?

Black*Star's face turned lightly pink at Maka's silence. The question was hard enough to say, but now he was pretty sure it was about to be rejected. It made him want to hide. Maka finally let out a long breath.

"Yeah," She replied and looked at him with a smile, "I'll help you Black*Star. I mean I don't know how much, but I will."

Here was another boy willing to do what it took for a girl he liked. Maka smiled at the two boys and gave Kid a concerned look as she saw he was still trembling. Maybe his fits were better at least he openly expressed what was wrong. She hugged him and mumbled to him to look at the symmetrical things around them. Black*star had shot up shouting his signature line.

Maka didn't know why, but she felt as though this could end wrong.


im sorry i havent uploaded in a long time,

school got in the way, and now  i have free time xD 

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