Chapter Two

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"Soul is just the dreamiest."

"No doubt Soul is the coolest."

"Oh, I wish I was Soul's partner."

Maka tried her best to ignore the comments like she always did. She concentrated on her book and kept walking to class. She had originally left the apartment with Soul, but then they had met up with Black Star, and while the two had their "bromance" moment, she had kept walking. One of Maka's eyebrows twitched at the thought. She wasn't sure if it was annoying or funny.

She sighed. Why were all the boys at this school so weird? Why were all the girls here attracted to them, knowing their antics? She knew there were at least a few Black Star fanatics. To her annoyance, there was an overwhelming amount of fan girls for her partner, Soul, as well.

All of them would get jealous of her relationship with Soul, but Soul didn't even see her that way. She didn't know why, but that fact bothered her. Don't get her wrong; she wasn't interested in Soul either! She didn't think of all his different smiles, ruby eyes that hypnotized people, his ability to protect her, or the sweet sound of his voice. Yeah, she wasn't interested in him romantically at all.

"You shouldn't make such an angry face," Kid said.

Maka looked up at him, realizing that she was glaring. Her features quickly calmed and she smiled sheepishly at Kid.

"You look perfectly symmetrical today." Kid smiled.

"Uh, thanks, Kid…," Maka replied, unsure of what else to say.

Kid came closer and whispered in her ear, "I need your help with something. Can we talk after school?"

Maka had frozen with his invasion of her personal space. She nodded her head, curiosity getting the better of her. His gold eyes looked into her olive green eyes. Rumors spread quicker than the moment could end.


"So, what is this about, Kid?" Maka said, sitting down as Kid pushed in her chair.

"I think you are the only one who can help me and I strongly believe you are the only one who won't make fun of me," Kid said walking to his seat.

They were both currently at a café. Kid had dragged her away right after the bell. He had told Soul, Liz, and Patty that they had plans to study. The three not being interested in studying on a Monday didn't follow.

"What do you need help with?" Maka asked, looking at him, concerned and determined.

"You see, Liz had been going out with this guy." Kid began, "At first, I was worried about her symmetry. And then, after a while, I felt something dark and possessive take over me. She kept talking and talking about that guy. Then it hit me: I was jealous. But of what? Then I realized the feeling I've been suppressing for so long. I love her, Maka, and not in a family kind of way."

"So, you want me to help you get Liz?" Maka asked, confused.

"Yes and no." Kid responded, "I want you to help me be more comfortable with asymmetrical things. She finds my antics annoying sometimes. You would help me get her indirectly."

He liked Liz? Well, it was kind of a surprise but at the same time it wasn't. It was odd that their personalities blended so well.

"I see." Maka looked into his eyes with doubt, "But do you really want to change? What if she likes you the way you are?"

Kid smiled at her, "I will never be fully cured of my OCD, but I have to learn to accept some things if I want a relationship. For instance, let's say that one day she wants to cuddle on the couch. I won't be able to hug Liz without having Patty on the other side with my arm around her. At least currently I won't, that's why I need your help."

"So, you want me to help you with the couple-like things?" Maka blushed, "I-I don't know if I'll be able to do that in front of our friends."

Kid's eyes got wide, "Don't misunderstand, I wouldn't ask you to do something like that in front of Soul!" He also added in a mumbled voice, "I'd never live it down if Liz found out anyways."

"Huh?" Maka's blush got a shade darker.

Why did he specifically have to say Soul's name? Did he think she liked Soul?

"It would be a secret between you and me." He said with a blush himself, "You don't have to accept."

Maka and Kid's eyes met again. Both had a determined hint in their gaze. She could never turn down a friend and especially one who had come to her specifically. She just wondered if he knew she had little to no experience. There was something in her that wanted to doubt all of what Kid said. Love her?

Please, more like a fling he'd get over. Yet there was another part of her that hoped that Kid wasn't lying. She wanted to wish that he was madly in love with Liz. So in love that he'd never think of anyone but Liz. He wasn't asking her to make Liz jealous just to help him not be bothered with just being with her. Just being with her…he wanted to be faithful, but first he had to take care of the problem that made him be with other people.

'He wants to be faithful.' Maka was enchanted by the thought.

The waitress of the café came to their table.

"Sorry," she said, "I didn't want to interrupt you two, but are you ready to order?"

Maka and Kid suddenly realized they had come closer to each other. Neither really knew of the misunderstandings they were already causing. To think they hadn't even started and already they had people believing they were a couple…

Maka responded first because Kid wasn't even sure if she was staying, "We'll be having couple like things."

"Huh?" The waitress and Kid asked.

"Everything from the drinks with two straws to food with two forks," Maka elaborated.

"Oh." The waitress blushed. "Okay. Right away! Ah, this is just so cute!"

She walked away having thoughts of the young couple. Kid looked at Maka still slightly confused.

She smiled, "You have to realize that if someone eats with you, they can't exactly eat like you. No symmetry."

"So, does that mean you accept?" Kid asked excitedly.

Maka took hold of both of his hands, "We can accomplish this together. Plus we're going to be here a while! We have to make schedules on when we're going to meet so we don't get behind on school work and such."

Kid nodded, "This will be great experience. Is there something in particular you'd like to try out? I'll help!"

Both had compassionate smiles and great determination in their eyes.

Jealousy (Death the Kid + Maka)(Soul Eater FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now