White Lady...

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It was October 26th, 2002, when my little boy died. Every night he claimed that an old lady dressed in white would come visit him. He called her the White Lady. "She tells me not to be afraid" he'd say, and I was stupid enough to follow that rule too! I thought it was just a dumb imaginary friend of his. You see, he was normally terrified of the dark, and this White Lady friend of his seemed to keep him quiet, therefor I did not complain.
One day he came down to breakfast looking traumatised! I asked him what was wrong and his answer was, " the White Lady said she was very angry with me for telling you about her, she said she was going to get me." This got me worried. So, that night I let him sleep in me and my husbands bed. I though then he would be safe. I was wrong. The next morning, he wasn't in our bed. I went into his room and screamed in horror as I saw my dear little boy ripped to shreds and splattered against the walls! I was looking around the room in total shock and despair when when a small note on his bed caught my eye. It read 'I am the White Lady, and I am coming for your next child.'
I suddenly clutched my pregnant stomach...

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