Chapter Thirteen

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I tried to remember the direction that we came, but it was pitch black and the moon wasn't there to give me any light at all. I didn't even have a phone with me.

I kept expecting Cam to help somehow- I has grown so accustomed to him being there and giving me answers, that I just expected that he'd help with anything.

But reality crashed down on me like a boulder falling on an ant. I was one, insignificant girl in a world full of super strong vampires. How did I ever think that I could handle this? To live this life, I'd need Cam. Not because I'd die without his love, but because he's the only one that can protect me from his world.

After an hour, I gave up, and slumped down to the ground, draping myself over a rock. I could feel the cold wetness of the moss that had claimed half of this rock, but I didn't care.

"You don't look like you're doing too well, miss" came a gravelly voice. I jumped up at the sound. The speaker was male, and sounded old. His voice sounded mere feet away from me, but he was obviously shrouded in darkness.

"Who are you?" I said, the words falling out if my mouth and floating around listlessly. I heard a chuckle, and was suddenly terrified. This was another vampire, here to finish me off. At least I would die quickly- although, I expected that vampires loved to play with their food.

"P-please... just make it quick" I stammered, my voice monotone and cold, like my body was completely disconnected from itself.

Another chuckle.

"Oh no, dear one. I am no Pardo. I'm Victor. I've been searching for you for a while now, but the warlock that was assigned to me was killed so I had to find you the old fashioned way. Anna, I am your guardian." He said, and suddenly light painted out surroundings, bringing with it an air of calm. I looked up and saw that the man was holding a lit candle.

He was very tall, but hunched over slightly. His face was decorated with scars and deep set wrinkles, and his skin was pale and chalky. His eyes seemed to sit too deep into his skull, and his mouth quivered even when it was closed. His white hair was wispy and danced furiously in the cold wind. He wore a dirty, ripped trenchcoat, and had a briefcase in his free hand. He looked just like a normal, kind old man.
He smiled at me, and it seemed as if the movement may break him.

"Can you show me the way home?" I asked, getting up and dusting myself off. He smiled again, giving me a nod, before gesturing me to follow him.

"You weren't really that far from your house, dear. Here, look" he said, pulling a branch down. I peered through the hole it created in the bushes, and there was my house. I felt silly and embarrassed as I turned to Victor, my face turning red. He just nodded in understanding, and helped me through the bushes.

I walked with him to my house, turning to look at him every now and then to make sure he was okay- he really did look very frail.

He blew the candle out before I unlocked the door. I remembered what Cam said about inviting people in, so I just stood aside and waited for him to enter. He gave a knowing smile, and winked at me as he crossed the threshold with ease. I let out a breath that I hadn't realised I'd been holding.

"It's good to know that you've been informed on that form of protection from vampires. There are a few more that you'll need to learn, like-"

"Crosses, holy water, sunlight." I finished for him, smiling at his surprised expression.

"Very well informed, I see. Who taught you this?" he asked as he sat down at the table in the kitchen. I followed him in and started to boil the kettle.

"Cam- my... well, my boyfriend. He was- is... he is a vampire. A good one. He was just taken by a group of Pardo's; I think they have some vendetta against him." I noticed the hysteria bubbling up inside me, so I focussed on making tea.

"I'm well aware of the situation. You needn't worry, though. I'm here to help." He assured me. I relaxed when he said the word help.

"Well thank you. How do you take your tea?" I asked. He smiled.

"Small drop of milk please."


"No thanks, I'm sweet enough already." He joked. I managed a laugh, despite the circumstances.

I gave Victor his tea, then say down with mine.

"So, Victor. How are we going to get Cam back." He frowned.

"Well, we'll need to research Elios. He's infamous in the Guardian community. But first things first..."
He took a sip of his tea.

"I'm going to need to train you."

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