Chapter Two

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The shrill sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I groaned as I flattened my hand over the blasted machine, thus halting the sound, but also pushing it off of my bedside table. My hand slapped down onto the wood when the clock wasn't there to hold it up.
Okay I thought to myself. Time to get up- open your eyes. I pulled my eyes open, and forced them to focus. My room was quite empty. Cream walls enveloped a single bed, a medium sized bedside table, a mahogany chest of drawers and a wardrobe that fit in the back corner of my room on the opposite side of my bed. It was white, and ran from the floor to the ceiling. It had a mirror in the left door. It was probably the most impressive thing in my room, and that wasn't saying a lot.

I willed myself to get up, and walked into the bathroom, which was right next to my room. Turning the radio on, I began meticulously getting things ready for a shower.
After my shower, I went downstairs and made myself some toast and a coffee. My mother never understood why, but I always preferred my coffee to be half milk, half coffee. She preferred hers black. It had made me realise how different we actually were. She was always perfectly, glamorously made up, with form fitting clothes, loads of bold make up, and had her hair done every week. I preferred to go bare faced, and wore blander clothes, sticking to black jeans, t shirts and hoodies. And I rarely ever did anything more than just brushing my hair. Considering how rainy this town was, I didn't see the point in doing much with it.

At 8:00, I had brushed my teeth, got dressed, and locked all of the doors in the house (though, in this town, people rarely broke in to any houses).

I was barely out of my car at school, when my best friend Libby grasped my arm and yanked me out. She was jumping up and down, giggling like a crazy person.
"Libby, what have I told you about coffee? Drink tea instead." I said, chuckling at her evident excitement. Libby was beautiful. Bright blue eyes, dark blonde hair that fell halfway down her back, and full, pouty lips. Strong cheekbones highlighted her beauty. I'd be jealous if she wasn't my best friend.
She was pulling me toward school when she began explaining.
"Scott. Marsters."
Ah, the school heartthrob. Every girl seemed to be obsessed with him. Sure, he was conventionally hot, but he was a womaniser and a loud mouthed misogynist. The strong jaw-line, and icy blue eyes didn't make up for that at all.

"Scott Marsters. Right. Is that all or are we going to get more of a story?" I said when I realised that she was finished with her explanation. She rolled her eyes.
"Anna, he's asked me on a date!" she said, her voice going slightly shrill. It was my turn to roll my eyes.
"God, he's an asshole!" I moaned. She giggled again.
"Yes! But he's a hot asshole!" she said. This, to her, overtook everything else. But I knew Libby, and I knew she wouldn't really emotionally invest into a relationship with him. I shrugged, and put my arm around her shoulder.
"We going out tonight?" Libby said, finally calm. Libby had the power to get us into any bar in town, and get us served, all without needing ID. I sighed and gave her a sideways glance.
"Obviously." I said, to which she chuckled lightly.
"Good! I need a drink." She said, theatrically clutching at her throat. We were laughing as we entered the classroom.

• • •

It was 7:30, and I was ready and waiting for Libby to turn up in her cab. For her, money was nothing. She didn't wince at the thought of splitting with a twenty for a cab into town like I would.

As always, she brushed off my offer to split the fair as if the notion of it was offensive. I'd learnt that it was better not to argue.

We ended up at a dimly lit bar, which was teeming with loads of twenty-somethings who were dancing and flirting in their drunken stupors. Libby made a beeline for the bar as soon as we got in, dragging me along behind her.  The music was loud, with a fast, heavy beat behind it. I wasn't even drunk and I already felt like I could dance to it, which was a feat for me.

Soon enough, after a few Screwdrivers, I was drunk. Quite drunk, in fact. Libby and I were dancing in the middle of the dance floor, in a world of our own.
"I might bring Scott here" Libby slurred into my ear, giggling.
"You just want him drunk" I replied, causing us to erupt into a fit of drunken giggles.
Too soon, the bar closed, and we had to leave. As was tradition, Libby walked around to find an open fast-food joint. We searched for a while before Libby guided me down an alleyway. After noticing that it wasn't another street of shops, we turned to carry on out search, but we were met by two men. Libby gasped, and then gave a nervous laugh. The man to the left was shorter than the other, with dark, short hair, a black leather jacket and dark jeans. The taller man had longer, dirty blonde hair that seemed quite greasy. He wore a thick, navy blue jumper and beige chinos. They looked completely different in the darkness, but the headlights of a passing car illuminated their faces. Both faces were marred with some sort of deformity; their foreheads were void of eyebrows- instead there were symmetrical bumps, almost as if their eyebrows had been burned by acid. But their eyes were bright yellow. When the tall one opened his mouth to speak, I noticed a pair of gleaming fangs protruding from his gums. His voice was croaky and deep, almost demonic.
"Well well well. Look what we have here." He crooned, smiling to his smaller partner who smirked at us.
"Dinner" he croaked.

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