Cherry Pop *~3~*

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Cookie: Hmm, well...Stacy and Courtney is finding themselves in a special place in my heart along with my boyxboy characters. >.<  *sniffs*

Song is by S Club 7 "I Never Had A Dream Come True" such a beautiful yet sad song


*~Stacy's POV~*

As it so happens, I didn't have to follow her to the end of the world. She took me as far as the bustling and partially crowded cafeteria.

      She led me in through the entrance, hands still holding mine as if it was the most natural thing in the world for her to be holding my hand. I stared at our entwined fingers, still hardly believing that we were actually touching. When I had woken up this morning and if someone would have told me that Courtney Heart would not only talk to me but hold my hand...I would have called them a liar.

      But here I am, I thought, doing exactly just that. What was so special about today compared to any of the previous days? It certainly hadn't felt special when I woke up this morning. It's funny how things can suddenly happen out of the blue, even if it was very unexpected.

     Like Courtney Heart walking into the cafeteria, hand in hand with Stacy Bennet.

     I could feel eyes on as soon as we entered, curious and probing eyes. Even the janitor mopping an orange juice spill in the corner stopped and stared at us. I felt my cheeks flush at their scrutiny and I lowered my head, my dark hair curtaining my face from their view.

    "Come sit with us, Stacy," Courtney said as we reached the long table already occupied with her friends and unfortunately for me, her boyfriend, Jake. I didn't meet his eyes as Courtney sat down next to him, tugging my hand to urge me to sit down next to her.

     I hesitated before reluctantly giving into her gentle tugs, taking my place right next to her. The girl that had been sitting beside her first scooted over as far away as she could from me, as if I carried some kind of disease and she was afraid to catch it. I settled down on Courtney's left side, lowering my head and putting my book bag in front of me.

     "What is she doing here?" I heard Jake ask Courtney, his voice harsh and judging.

    I kept my head lowered, waiting for her reply.

    "She's one of us now," Courtney said, voice light. "And, oh, Jake, I would appreciate it if you kept your dogs at bay. I really don't like other people picking on things that's mine."

     My head shot up at that, my eyes going wide as I stared at the side profile of her face. She was looking at Jake with a wan smile on her lips and all though she had spoken lightly, her voice had held a certain ring of warning.

    Me? Was she talking about me? I belonged to her now? Not that I minded belonging to her it was just that...this was certainly the first time I was hearing this.

    "I don't know what you're talking about," Jake snapped, blue eyes glaring at me.

    "Hmm," was Courtney's pleasant reply.

    Everyone on the table and around us had heard every word of their exchange and now they were looking at me as if I had grown two heads. I clenched my hands, uncomfortable sitting in a world that was not my own. I didn't belong here with Courtney's friend. I didn't belong with Courtney.

    "I should go," I mumbled, starting to rise. "I shouldn't be he-"

    "You don't want to be my friend?" Courtney asked, cutting me off. She stared at me, bluebell eyes wide and appealing. She looked wounded that I would abandon her. "Stacy, don't you like me?"

Cherry Pop Blues *~GirlxGirl/GirlxBoy~* (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now