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Hey guys, thanks for the 100 views!!! Sorry for how long this one took compared to all my other ones. I had a lot going on these past weeks. I was on spring break, and I was hanging out with my two best friends that are moving at the end of the school year (I am 16) and I probably will do so a lot for the next few months until they move, but I will write every chance I get. Also, am I starting my weight training next week, so the updates will continue to come slow. I will always put out chapters of great quality though.

Charm's P.O.V.

Omega and her were sitting on the couch in their mansion in the Chaos Zone. It had been 10,000 Chaos Years since they had built their team. It had also been 5,000 Chaos Years since her and Omega had gotten married. After they had kind of gotten together on Earth, they had kind of "dated" during their training. Yeah, lots of "kind of's". They had never gone on a date, they had just been boyfriend and girlfriend. Omega had proposed to her in the mansion they had shared since they arrived.

He didn't give her a ring though, a ring would've gotten in the way of battle armor. Instead, he gave both of them enchanted tattoos where they would've worn a ring. This made them even closer, because the rings tied their two life forces together. That meant if one of them died, they both died. After 10,000 years together, they were sure they didn't want to live without one another. The rings would also alert one if the other was in serious danger.

When they were charged with the building of their team, they chose 4 other people. They chose Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Frank Zhang, and Hazel Levesque. They felt they should choose only people that they trusted, Omega chose Beckendorf and Silena, and Piper suggested Frank and Hazel. They both thought of Leo, but he was so close to Jason, they decided not to take him because he would probably side with Jason. They took their choices to Chaos, who told Omega to go present their offer to Beckendorf and Silena in the underworld, while he sent Charm to get Frank and Hazel.

It was easy for Omega to convince Beckendorf and Silena to join. They just wanted to be together, and Silena still felt guilty for her betrayal during the Titan War, so she looked at this as a second chance. As they were already dead, Omega went through a ceremony much like Pipers, and he made them reborn as gods instead of making them reborn and then making them gods. Beckendorf took the Chaos Name Forge, and Silena took the Chaos Name Glitz. They were reborn into the Chaos Zone and left to create their mansion. They were given the colors of Orange for Forge and Lavender for Glitz.

Frank and Hazel were harder to convince, in fact, Charm had to call Omega to help her persuade them. Once they agreed, Omega transformed Hazel into Gem, and Charm transformed Frank into Drift (He said it was because of the Piece of driftwood that his life had once counted on). Gem took the color gold and Drift took the color red. After they were both passed out after the transformation, Omega and Charm took Gem and Drift back to their mansion, where they laid both of them on a couch and waited for their awakening. When they woke, they went through much the same process as Charm had, after that, they took them to meet Forge and Glitz. They got along immediately, and it was by their collaboration that they should make all their mansions attached with a single main entrance, then three different entrances to the three mansions.

The 4 new members were extremely powerful, but Charm and Omega were more so. Omega was nearly as powerful as Chaos, Charm was nearly as powerful as Omega, and the other 4 were nearly as powerful as Charm. Even though they weren't all at the same power level, when wearing their battle armor, they were all exactly the same size and had nigh-on identical armor, except the girls armor was fitted for girls. *wink wink *cough cough

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