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Sorry for how long this chapter took. I was thinking up bullshit to throw in so the chapter wasn't too short. Also, there is a part that someone who is extremely easily offended will not like. You probably won't care, but just a warning. I will post worse than this in the future. If you don't like gore, stop reading before you get too emotionally attached.

Omega's P.O.V.

He watched over her as she slept at his mansion in the Chaos Zone. The Chaos Zone was a different dimension that was parallel to the dimension the Universe was in. You could teleport instantly from anywhere in the Chaos Zone to anywhere in the universe. If you were a celestial being, of course.

One of the things he found strange besides being a godly being, is how his memories mingled. He remembered the first twelve years of his life, right from the point he was born. That was twelve Earth years and 12,000 Chaos years. Time passed much faster in the chaos zone. He remembered Chaos locking the real first 12,000 years of his life and creating the fake memories. The strangest thing, was that he remembered him losing his memories. There was a flash, and then he woke up drooling, with Annbitch watching him.

Ha. Just thinking about her made him want to laugh. She could've been a Goddess if she had stayed with him, now Pip-, Charm was the Goddess. Speaking of Goddesses, a very young Goddess was just waking up. Charm was in her room he had created in his mansion, and he was at her side. He had changed into something he felt more comfortable in, rather than his battle armour. No matter how many thousands of Chaos Years he used his powers, they never bored him, like his power to instantly change clothes just by thinking about it. That was one of his most mundane powers.

Charm opened her even more detailed and beautifully bright kaleidoscope eyes and turned to look at him. He watched as she absorbed him for a moment, knowing she was seeing with incredibly enhanced detail better than anything she could've previously imagined. He smirked at her and asked "Hows it feel to be a Goddess?"

She gave him a beautiful and kind smile filled with absolute joy and happiness before saying, "It's amazing! Everything is so beautiful, even the tiniest little thing is beautiful. I feel amazing too! It's like..." She was struggling for words, so he decided to suggest, "... you were in pain for so long you had gotten used to it, but then you were relieved of your pain?" He liked his voice, it was how he sounded before he became a mortal and he still liked it.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, "That's exactly what it feels like. My mind is so clear now too! I can see every piece of information I have ever learned." Omega chuckled, he had never gone through this because he had been born with these abilities. His memories had prevented this from happening when he got his powers back.

He couldn't help but be happy, just because she was. Never had Omega seen such a look of joy before. It was as if she had the mind of newborn in the body of an adult. In retrospect, it was exactly like that, for her. She had the body (literally) of a Goddess containing the mind of someone that was not even 20 years of age. If she was this happy all the time, then that was just another plus of her being his partner in immortality.

He hadn't realized until right then that it had been awhile since he was happy. Because Annabeth hadn't been happy, he hadn't either. He fed off the happiness of others to be happy. As he focused his mind from his thoughts, he saw that Piper was trying out some of her new powers, such as changing clothes by thinking about it.

Classic Aphrodite girl.

She hadn't quite mastered the skill though, so every time she switched an outfit, she was wearing nothing for just a moment. This made Omega blush a little, considering she had been his girlfriend for all of less than an hour of her being awake. He couldn't say he hadn't been looking at her body, even fully clothed. She had the perfect combination. Boobs not too big or too small, bubble butt that showed off her squat skills, and not quite an hourglass form. She didn't have a gut by any means, but he liked how she didn't look anorexic.

He decided to tell her, as much as he was currently enjoying the view. Omega walked up behind her and hugged her right after she changed into leggings and Disturbed shirt.

It was the little things like that....

He whispered in her ear, "The key is to think of yourself wearing it and then imagine your clothes changing." "Thanks." she said, "How did you know I wasn't doing that though?" He whispered what he had observed in her ear. She madly blushed and put on a onesie snow suit! Omega was rolling on the floor laughing. Not because of the snowsuit, but because she hadn't used the technique for that either! She blushed so much that she found another one of her powers and caught herself fire.

She caught the snowsuit and the bed on fire. She looked like a marshmallow someone had dropped in a campfire. She put out the fire and lay on the bed wearing the Disturbed shirt again and began to cry. Once Omega had stopped laughing, he got up and comforted her. He snapped his fingers and all the damage was repaired. This eased her sadness a little but she was still crying as she tried to say, "I-I'm sorry. I suck at being a Goddess." "No, Charm, you're just inexperienced. You've been a Goddess for less than a day and awake for at most fifteen minutes. I'd say you're doing great with already figuring out you're clothes powers." said Omega.

Charm looked up at him and smiled as he brushed her tears away. "Thanks Percy, sorry, Omega. I needed that, it's a lot to absorb in one day." He smiled down at her and was about to respond, when Chaos entered the room and said, "Welcome Charm, to the world of the immortals. I hate to hurry this, but you must make haste and choose your other teammates so you can train together before your first mission. You have 10,000 Chaos years of training." He smiled at the two and left without waiting for a response.

Percy grinned at Charm and said, "We can choose anyone alive or dead. Are you ready?"

Sorry for my shitty attempt at a cliffhanger. Also sorry for how long it took.

P.S. My favorite number is 76. Comment if you give half a fuck about that.

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