Chapter 6

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Just to let u know, I wrote half of this on paper and the other half off the top of my head..... but, LET ME KNOW if there are spelling mistakes so I can correct them or if I start using other character's names and throughout the rest of the book. Thanks!:D~ Itsnotcatsfault14

Chapter 6

As I watched Jason's pencil snap into 2, I waited for his reaction. Instead, he got up & threw his pencil away, asking Mrs. Barkley for another one. He sat down & started scribbling in his notebook furiously. I peered over at him 

"Are you okay Jason?" I asked. He didn't look up, but said," Yeah, I'm fine." 

"Whatcha writing?" 

"Nothing," he snapped. I glanced over at his book. There were just words. I sat down and waited for the bell to ring for our next class. 

During lunch Jason sat next to me and I smiled a little. 

"Jason, are you still mad?" I asked. He shook his head. 

"Nope. Over it. Not anymore." I looked surprised. 


"Yeah." I saw him walk over to the table where the twins were. A few minutes later, they were laughing and enjoying themselves. Wasn't he angry with them a less than an hour ago? What what was going on? He sat there for the rest of the lunch period and continued ignoring me for the rest of the day. When the last bell rung, I hurried out the building, Jason, Liz & the twins following me. Jason yelled my name, but I ignored and continued to walk faster. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I spun around. 

"What do you want now Jason?" 

"I'm sorry for ignoring you all day. I have a plan," he answered vaguely. I nodded, not really paying attention. My mom pulled up in the school parking lot. 

"Hey, Mrs. Tessra? Do you mind carpooling? We actually want to go to your house so we can study."  

"Fine, get in. At least it saves me gas." I hopped in the front seat, while evryone else piled up in the back.. 

"Aw, how come Ella gets to sit in the front?" Liz whined. I glared at her. 

"Do you wanna ride in the trunk?" I asked. We laughed." But seriously though. There's a lot of room in there."

When we got to my house, we all got snacks and started doing home work in the livingroom. That's when things started to get nasty. Aleaya started complaining about the room temperature, & Marcus started to push Jason around. 

"Don't push me!" He yelled at Marcus. They started to fight as Liz and Aleaya were screaming in each other's faces. I clutched my head some. 

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP AND BE QUIET! WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING OUR HOME WORK, REMEMBER? IF YOU DON'T, LEAVE NOW." Everybody became silent. After awhile, I guess Jason and the twins were getting bored and led them in the basement. Then it hit me. The reason Jason was ignoring me and socializing with the twins is so that he could earn their trust, then kill them! I ran down the basement stairs, leaving Liz by herself. The twins were already stood there wrapped to the two beds, waiting for their demise. Jason had a butcher knife in his hand. I just stood there like an idiot as he sliced open their faces. Then he glared at me. 

"Do something, will you?" He hissed. I jumped up and grabbed the gas masks, covering their noses and mouths.

Muffled screams filled the room as the knife sliced their flesh open. After five minutes, there was silence, following footsteps. Liz? She walked down the stairs, eyes widened at the sight of us coated in blood and the cutters in our hands. She gasped. 

"Are you guys killing again?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Jason asked, annoyed. 

"Yes! It's not right! Why did you kill them?" She looked as if she were about to cry. 

"Because, they hurt me." 

"Its not like they hurt some one you loved one or something! " A few tears streamed down her cheek. Then she turned to me. 

"Are you helping him too?" She snapped. I just looked at her. 

"It looks that way, doesn't it?" She started to back up towards the stairs." I'm- I'm telling. I can't be friends with murderers!" She yelled and ran up the stairs. Jason went after her. I started to go, but Jason told me to stay here with the bodies. Soon, I was left with the corpses and the darkness.

When I came back to school, I haven't seen Jason or Liz for a few days. When Jason came back to school, he was all friendly, acting as if he wasn't a murderer, as if he haven't killed the twins. Liz...... not so much. She ignored both Jason & I, but who could blame her? When I asked Jason why Liz was still mad, he just shrugged his shoulders. I couldn't understand why Liz was upset with them dying. They weren't even that close...

I overheard Jason & Liz arguing in front of the school. They continued to get louder as they pushed & shoved. Then, Jason pushed Liz for the last time and when she hit the pavement, I heard a sickening crack. I gulped. Did he just crack her skull? Jason stared down coldly at her and started to drag her to a ditch.Then when he spotted me. My heart started pounding. Can he see me? He started walking towards me and I took off running. I ran & ran, even when my lungs hurt to make sure he's not after me. When I got to my porch, I sighed and slid against the door, tired..... wait, wasn't mom supposed to pick me up? Oh, well. Facing the consequence with mom is better than dying. Then, I snuck back to my lab, making sure nobody saw me.

Aarrggh! I had to rewrite half of this cause it wouldn't save on my phone!! Well, It's up, and I hoped that you enjoyed it!

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