Chappie nyan cat

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Hey guys still waiting for O.C's but...yeah. I have 1 so 2 more. There gonna be the bullies :3 in so mean. Anyways, this will be Laurence's pov but it starts off as Garroth awake and I'll tell you when it's the dream! Ok lets get started yay! Oh and WARNING! THERE IS SELF HARM IN THIS IF YOU ARM TRIGGERED TO THAT PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER!


I woke up still in Zane's arms...well I also woke up to giggles and sounds of cameras. Well just great, but I couldn't help it. When I was upset, Zane was always nice to me he was socially awkward but he's a good friend as well. "Shh! Guys! Garroth is waking up!" I heard that and immediately shot up and blushed! "Aww...Garroth is a little embarrassed! Lets leave then alone for awhile.." I got so angry at that I almost punched Dante "Oh and before you guys leave, Aarmau, Tante, and last but not least Katmau. There now leave." I giggled as Travis, and Dante came up to me and female dog slapped me, and hard! Like bruh. "I...deserve...that...big time..." and everyone nodded. Well this is a great start to the day. Perfect.


I can't believe I was sitting next to Garroth Ro'meave! The Prince of the Town! This is crazy! Of course I'm scared because know. FIRST EVER DAY OF SCHOOL! LIKE FIRST FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Anyways, after I was done internally screaming, I asked him a question "He-Hello, I'm L-Laurance. I-It is v-very n-n-nice to meet you." I said trying, note that I said trying. Not to studder. "Hello Laurence. I'm Prince Garroth. It is a pleasure to meet you. So just as a starter I will tell you some facts about myself. My favorite color is blue (i guessed :|) I love to play a game called Undertale, and I have 2 other brothers." He said "Ok so, my favorite color is green, I also love undertale, and I don't know of I have siblings." he nods and starts to draw as we talk. "Hey, you've barely said anything about your family, what's up?" he just completely froze. "Umm...that's rather a touchy subject to me." I nodded "Ok, you don't have to tell me. I understand." he sighed and started drawing again "Listen, I'm sorry for bringing that up. I didn't know..." He didn't respond so after that I stayed silent. After a while of organizing and looking around, the bell rang. People flooded in the hallways, and 3 people at a time came in and sat down. One person came in and sat next to me. She had wolf wars and a small witch hat. She had a space sweater and black leggings, she had blackish purplish hair and navy blue eyes. She was cute, but not my type. I'm not really into girls at that matter, now that I think of it I would rather go to the spa than read a book (cuz der is nu phones...or any tech so sad) "Hello, I am Laurance. What might be your name?" she looked at me and giggled " loser like you would talk to me. I bet your just a sucker for my looks..hehehe...yeah that must be it." Ok, she REALLY isn't my all. I was petrified, I will say that and by the look of my face you could probably tell.. "Oh, get luna! How are you!" she looked over my shoulder and looked at Garroth "Oh! Get Garroth! Right now I'm just beating up this loser now." he looked so...mad...Why? "Why are you? Hey did nothing to you." he said looking at me. "Well one, he is annoying, and two, he is really ugly..." when she said that I got up and asked to go to the bathroom. I guess these will come in handy. I pulled out a razor from my old tattered backpack and walked into the bathroom. We meet again deadly old friend. I looked at the razor and bandage in hand. I should cut higher just so it isn't suspicious. I took the blade and dragged it above my elbow area. It hurt but felt so good. When I was done cutting my arm, I took the bandage and wrapped it around my arm to make sure that blood wouldn't show. I slipped the razor into my pocket and went to my backpack to put the monster were it belongs. I walked into class like nothing happened and sat back down. "Look brat, I'm sorry for what I said and..maybe I won't do it again." I just sighed and put my head down covering my face squeezing my arms, but maybe a little to hard because it kinda hurt. Well this day is going great...

Ok so this story is...ehh I don't know why a 7 or 8 year old would be cutting, but it's still a good story. Right? Anyways thank you So much for 1000 views, yay! 😻

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