Chapter 6 What!?!

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I didn't even not ice Garroth until he picked up Laurance and ran off to the hospital with me and Katlyn close behind. Man Garroth was fast but I've never seen Laurance cut before. Has he done it before? How did I not see the razors!? Why did he do it? When did he start? All these questions raced through my head until one made me almost brake down. Was this because of me? Did I pressure him to much? What if it was me.....


I got a call from my dad to come to hospital called Grand Meteli clinic. I was weirded out to go there so I just said ok and got my purse, makeup, phone, I nice dress, and my pink sparkle wallet. As soon as I got to the hospital My dad hugged me and told me to follow him. He took my wrist and told me to go into this room. "Ok but why..?" I asked and he started to cry. I wonder why? As I got into the room I saw my little brother hooked up to like 10 moniters. One beeped and another kept his heart beat going. I started to tear up and cry. Garroth came over and hugged me, I felt a little better so I hugged back. "W-what happened to him." I said and looked at him. "H-he c-...cut" Garroth said as he broke down I slowly started to realize that a saw a razor in the bathroom


It was a warm sunny day a month before Laurance would go to Guard training. I felt sad but also felt happy for him and sorta jealous because I wanted to know what it felt like being a guard! As I went to the bathroom I saw a razor but shrugged it off and threw it into the trash. I just thought it was one of dads old shavers it looked dirty so I threw it away and I saw Laurance come in and went to the sink and opened something that I couldn't see I was weirded out but also felt like it was natural SO yet again shrugged it off.

~End of flashback

Hey my little cookies I made this because I'm sick and I'm trying to write some story's for today so tomorrow I might not update I might have laringitis I think that's how you spell it XD its basically why you have a sore throat and can't talk ugh I hate it xc

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