Chapter 12: Basic

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Bea's P.O.V.

I dragged my suitcase through the halls to the bus that will drive us to the Von Pelt International Airport.

Damn. Who names an airport with their own names? Narcissistic much? But, in all honesty, the idea seemed endearing, to be immortalized in something that thousands of people from all over the world go to everyday.

Maybe, I'll take business in college and eventually become a billionaire... Yeah right, wishful thinking.

In my haste to come on top of the social chain, I still hadn't thought of what I wanted to do with life after school.

"Hey, babe, wait up!" I rolled my eyes. Here comes Derek, my boyfriend.

Really, at first I only pursued him to become popular, you know, the shallow thinking of a high school freshman. But, being with him taught me something, while I was with him I was being labeled and forced into boxes. I was named the long-lasting wh*re, bimbo, sl*t and all other unflattering, ego-crushing things. Being with him made me stronger, made me put up walls against the rest of the world. At first, I thought he was another stereotypical bad boy, but he wasn't. He actually had a heart and had a soft side.  Cliché, I know, but I was glad that some clichés were real.

I sighed, "You know I hate it when you call me 'babe'," I glared at him.

He chuckled and gave me a smirk. "Yeah, whatever, babe."

I walked faster. "Hey, Bea!"

"Are you going to call me babe again?" I didn't look back.

"I have the rest of your suitcases!" He called.

"Ugh. Fine." I stopped and he caught up with me. True to his word, he had my plethora of suitcases with him. One week in the Philippines, (which, I might add, is on the other side of the world) and I can't not bring at least three suitcases. I had a rep to keep up with.

"Give me a kiss first." He smirked down at me. Even with heels, he was taller than me. He bent a little, and put his face close to mine. I gave him a quick peck and pulled away.

He raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"


"That was way too fast, babe"

"No. I am not going to make out with you right now, we're running late." 

"That was your fault, you spent like two hours in your room putting on make up."

Seriously? He knows that I'm insecure about my bare acne-ridden face.

"I was also fixing my hair, and FYI, that's actually relatively quick compared to other girls."

"Two hours." He deadpanned.

"Two hours." I nodded. "I thought you've been with me for about two years already, you know me, and I know you've been with countless other women. You know."

"And we've been together for two years and you should know by now that I really didn't pay attention to them as much as I do to you."

"Really, your being Mr. Cheesy n--"

He stopped my talking by closing the distance between us. I melted into it, until I remembered that we still had a bus to catch.

I pushed him away.

"Stop that!" I glared at him.

"Stop what?" He had my lipstick on him now. He wiped it away.

"For one, ruining my make-up that, as you said, took me two hours to perfect, and two, being such a good kisser that I forget everything!"

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