Chapter 22

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*Luke's pov*

After I left Nicole and Sarah, the boys were standing waiting on me.

"So what is the plan" Ashton said.
" I don't have one" I said. I heard a couple of gun fires and smashing glass coming from the back. I wanted to go check but there was no screaming so I guessed it was just the windows.
"We are just going to see what happens and figure out if there is another way out of this" I said.
The boys just looked at me a nodded.
"If any of us die today I want you to know I love you all, if none of us die I never said that" I said, they as just have me a nod again.

Minutes later the door came crashing down in front of us.

"Did you think you would managed to get away with this? Did you think I would be dumb enough to not realise you left?" David said coming in.
"David before you go any further let me say something" I said.
"No there is nothing to explain" he said. He then shot at the light above making it darker.
" Now I thought, I said if you didn't kill him I would make your life a living hell. I thought in steed of you having a life that is shit, you won't have a life." David said at that minute the rest of the gang came in. In total there was 8 of then including David.
"You two get the ones in the kitchen" David said point to two of the men. They slid past and went to the kitchen.

"Move and I sh" David said aiming his gun, but before he could finish Jerry came up behind him and kicked him in the balls from behind. The 4 other members tried to grab Jerry, but Ashton and I started to fight them off.
"Michael Calum go help the girls" I shouted.

Jerry pulled out a gun and shot Kia. The two other guys were trying to fight off Ashton and I but ended up running up stairs. The other guy ran outside.
"Thanks Jerry, I guess" I said.
"I've wanted to do that to David for years" he said. We ran to the kitchen to go see if the girls were okay.


*Nicole's pov*

After the gun fired I army crawled to the back stairs.
"What are you doing?" Sarah whispered.
"Going to the back stairs to go upstairs, are you coming?" I whispered.
"No Luke said to stay here" she whispered.
"Suit yourself" I whispered.

I finally reached the back stairs. I quietly made my way up them making sure not to stand on a step that creaked.
I was up the top of the stairs before I heard Sarah scream. I froze, why did I leave her there. The next thing I heard was Michael's voice, but I kept going. I made it to the hall upstairs, before I heard someone come up the main stairs . I ran into Calum's Room and went out on his balcony. I panicked I was now stuck, until I noticed a ledge bit that went along the cottage. It was extremely thin, but what else could I do. I climbed over to the other side of the balcony, and went onto the thin ledge bit. At that vey moment I heard someone come into Calum's room I was nearing the edge of the ledge near a pipe . I grabbed onto the pipe and slide down it but when I was half way down it, it came off the wall. I fell on my back into the snow, but I wasn't injured. I looked up at the balcony to see a guy pointing a gun at me. I rolled over and took the gun Luke gave me out of my pants. Without really caring I aimed the gun at the guy and pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight through his skull. I guess it killed him, I ran back to the house and looked though the kitchen windows (that were no longer there because they got smashed).

"Sarah, Michael" I whispered. I went into the kitchen and checked where Sarah and I had been hiding before but they weren't there.
"Nicole " I jumped back scared whacking on the gas hob.
"It's okay it's only me " Luke said as I turned around to look at him. I ran to hug him.
"Okay we need to get out of here, there is only 5 of the gang member well enough to fight back" he whispered in my ear.
"Make that 4 I kinda shot one" I said. We stopped hugging and he turned around to head out the back door, but in our way was David.


So I decided to update today again.
Please leave a comment on what you think.

Thank you <333

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