Chapet 17

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4months later
*Nicole's pov*.

Things have been like hell for me. 4months have past and nothing has changed except the boys have gotten jobs around the area. I can barely still move without feeling sharp pains but I have heeled a lot.
The boys have managed to take shifts to work out that at least 1 of them is home at all times. Sarah keeps the place clean and does all the shopping, I try to help but end up making things worse.
I literally just sit around thinking what if.
What if I hadn't met Luke.
What if in the end I die.
What If one of us does get killed.
What if I never had fallen in love with Luke.
What if I never had give up on my dream of going to university , what if ....

It was nearing the end of November which meant it was two month, until 6 month was up which scared me. At night I would sit in bed and listen to what Luke and the guys said about it, they still had no plan which scared me more. Every night was the same but tonight was different. I listen quietly it was the usual conversation until Luke's phone rang.

*Luke's pov*

I answered the phone, it was David.
"Hello" I said.
"Have you killed him yet ?" David asked.
"No David" I said.
"Well by January 4th I want him dead!" David demanded.
"Wait, that is at least 25 less days than we had agreed" I shouted.
"January 4th or your life will be a living hell, your choice" he said then hung up.

"Shit!" I said putting down the phone.
"What is it?" Ashton said.
"He wants it done for January 4th, we just have over a month to think of something" I said in frustration.
" but the deal was the 31st of January" Calum said.
"He changed his mine, shit guys what are we going to do" I said about to break down, this can't be happening.
"I think we should sleep on it maybe we might think of something tomorrow after a fresh start"Michael said.
"Good idea" I said.

*Nicole's pov*

I rushed back to bed when I heard Luke coming up stairs. I didn't hear all of what he had said but he defiantly mentioned David. I knew he would 't tell me so I never questioned him when he got in bed. I cuddled under the covers with Luke. He never said a word even though he knew I was awake. He was breathing un regularly like with a hiccup when you cry. I kissed his cheek but a salt water taste filled my lips, he had been crying. Something bad has happened, Luke has never cried since I have met him, well not that I can remember.
"Are you okay Luke" I said rubbing circles on the palm of his hand.
"No in all honestly, I wish I could change this whole situation. He wants Michael dead by the 4th of January but we have no idea what to do" Luke said.
"He might not even know where we are, no one around here would know David right?" I asked.
There was a slight hesitation from Luke.
"No" Luke said.
The conversation ended there, that night I couldn't sleep. What if David did know we were here what if he did a surprise attack and came early or something mad like that.

I just don't know anymore ....

Sorry it's a short chapter

Thank you for reading please leave a comment on what you think so far <333

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