Chapter 101

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"Benjamin. . . . Benjamin, my sweet boy, wake up."

He opened his eyes.

And, immediately, they filled with tears.

Tears . . .

Benjamin's whole family stood over him in what looked like the bedroom he shared with his older brother sixty years ago.

When he was human.

He sat up in his bed and watched his picture-perfect family. Father, tall with dark hair and eyes. Mother, who watched him with the same gray eyes he sees every time he stares at his reflection. Her thick locks of ash brown hair falling well below her shoulders. And Jesse with his perfect ashy-blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Mother. Father. Jesse," Benjamin sobbed. "What are you . . . where am I?"

Mother knelt beside him and hugged him so tight, Benjamin thought his head would roll off.

"Oh, my Benny-Boy," she squeaked. "I miss you so much."

"We all do, son," Father said with a warm smile, placing a hand on Benjamin's shoulder.

"You didn't forget about us, have you, little brother?" Jesse said, jumping on Benjamin's bed.

Benjamin wiped his eyes with both hands but his tears were persistent.

"Please . . . please tell me this is real. Please tell me I'm no longer alone."

Mother's lustrous gray eyes softened. She ran a hand through his hair and down the side of his face.

"Benjamin, you are never alone," she warmly said.

"We're always with you," Father added.

"Even when you're with your cute girlfriend," Jesse said. "What was her name again? Lainey, was it?"

"Is this real?" Benjamin desperately asked.

Mother shook her head, forcing a smile.

"I think you know the answer to that."

"I don't want to go back," Benjamin pleaded, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I want to stay here . . . I want to stay with my family."

"You don't belong here, son," Father said. "Your story is far from over."

"Yeah, so don't give in so easily," Jesse said. "You still have much to live for. And you know it. Otherwise I wouldn't be saying so myself."

Mother pulled Benjamin into another tight hug.

"We all love you so much," she whispered into his ear. "We'll always be watching over you, Benny-Boy."

She slowly stood and took a step back. Jesse hopped off Benjamin's bed and stood with Mother and Father.

"You know it's time for you to go now," Jesse said. "Don't worry about Mother and Father; I take good care of them."

Jesse smiled as he gave Benjamin a thumbs-up. Benjamin half-heartedly returned the gesture, sniffing as he tried to hold back the incessant stream of tears.

"Be brave, son. You know what you've got to do."

Benjamin nodded at his father, sobbing wildly.

"Go now, Benjamin," said Mother. "Be strong. And live! For you. We'll be with you. Always."


Benjamin was suddenly pulled out of his surreal experience, opening his eyes to stare Ulysses Morrison in the face again. His chest felt as if on fire, the Bone Dagger deeply piercing him.

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