Chapter One

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                                                                           Chapter One

Twelve years after the Bat clan ambushed the Canine clan and Yoru Kiba escaped with his Mother Raine Kiba. They were to scared to go back to their main clan base so they just kept moving. Yoru was trained by his mom every night. After a month or so, Yoru wanted to do something... Go on an Adventure!

*knock knock* "Come in" Yoru said. "hello sweetie! How was your time home alone?" Raine asked. "This isn't home. And my time home alone was boring"  Yoru said. "Well someone's in a crabby mood huh?" Raine said. "Listen Mom can I please, please, please, please, PLEASE go on an adventure by my self?" Yoru said. "Oh Yoru your not properly trained yet! Trust me your not ready for the outside world yet... I mean there's Zombies, Skeletons, Spiders and Notch knows what else." Raine said. "I can take care of myself!" Kiba yelled. "I said no Yoru... I have to step out of the house for a second... Wait here ill be back in a couple of minutes... After 3 minutes Yoru wrote a note to his mom saying

Deer Mom,

All my life I wanted to do something by myself so I left home to go

on an adventure. Please don't worry about me ill be fine. I know  how

to cook and what to eat. I'm well enough trained so I  should be okay 

seeya soon

                                                       Your son,

                                                      Yoru Kiba

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