Chapter 2: Talk with Aslan

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Bella looked at Edmund, with a sad expression on her face, she could not help but feel bad he was acting this way because of one simple thing, she was being nice. She bit her lip “I need some fresh air.” She said and she got up from the table and she rushed outside, she felt like she was running but not going anywhere, but she was only running from her self, from her conflicting emotions, she was not sure what she was supposed to do. She should be nice to be Caspian and risk Peter and Edmund’s wrath because of it? Or ignore Caspian? She could not do that, she could not ignore any of them. It was not in her nature too. She was raised better than that, she knew better than that. It was not right.

She placed her head in between her palms softly as she sighed, she had no idea why she was feeling so conflicted already, was it such a big crime to be nice to royalty? Or maybe she just misinterpreted it her self, but not the looks in Peter and Edmund’s eyes, she knew those were real. But how could she let it go? Let it slip away, she felt worried and upset, because she caused them to feel like this, she looked up from her hands, and at the night sky, the moon was high up and there were stars in the sky, it was truly mesmerizing, Bella felt like she could stare at the night beauty all night and never get tired of it.

She sighed as she pulled her gaze away and she decided to take a look around, the garden. It might help her clear her mind, or that’s what she told her self. She let her eyes scan the beautiful scenery, the wild flowers were wildly intoxicating with their beautiful and alluring smell, that hit her nostrils, each one was perfectly shaped in their own way, their scent unique that suited their appearance and name, but she was sure, she didn’t know the names of the perfect flowers in this garden, as she never saw half of them before in her life. She noticed an orchard of many trees and a fountain in the middle, before her eyes landed on Peter, who was standing by the apple tree.

Peter looked up as he noticed Bella was there, she opened her mouth to say something but no words came out, they seemed to fail her “Save it.” Peter said, in a rather rude tone of a voice. His eyes seemed cold and distant, not the warm and lovely color she once saw. “I don’t want to hear it.” He said.

Bella blinked in shock, as she looked at him “Peter I....” she trailed off as he cut her off again.

“Don’t.” Peter said “Go back to Caspian! It’s clear you have eyes for him anyways, but I don’t need to watch that.” He said before he pushed past her and he walked back inside and straight to his room, while Bella stared after him, while tears prickled her eyes.

She felt her knees shake and she sat down on the side of the fountain and she blinked back the tears, she bit her lip as she suppressed back a chocked sob, she was crying already? She had no idea, what was going on with her.

It was silent for a while, as she let the tears ran down her cheeks and she closed her eyes tightly. Peter’s words hurt beyond compare; no one said anything so hurtful to her before. “Dear, do not cry.” She heard a deep voice behind her, after a few minutes. She looked back to see a Lion, she blinked a bit, she knew she should not be surprised, since Edmund said that Animals in Narnia talked, a talking Horse was one thing, but a talking Lion that seemed like he was nice, was another. “I am Aslan.” He said, his voice sounded calm and warm, Bella looked at Aslan as he walked closer to her and his eyes gazing into hers sadly. “I am sure, Edmund or Caspian have mentioned me?” he said, Bella was surprised, he assumed that only Caspian or Edmund would talk to her about Aslan, why not Peter?

Bella nodded a bit “Edmund mentioned you briefly.” She said in a shaky voice “I am Isab...” she got cut off by Aslan.

“You are Isabella.” He said in a kind soft voice “I know, who you are my dear. I am the one who brought you here.” He carried on as he let Bella ran her hand through his fur softly.

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