Chapter Two-Shark and captivity

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Phillip FitzRoyce was taking several photographs.

Katheryn was taking care of two excitiable dolphins who were playing in the huge pool. Their fun though was marred by the baby shark that was in its own enclosure.


He looked at the sign, and watched her.

"I'm Phillip FitzRoyce, I don't belive we've met".

"I know who you are".

"Good. Then perhaps we can have a drink, and some dinner tonight".

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. FitzRoyce, but that's a kind of behavior that I don't do".

"Hi, Kathryn", Mike Brody arrived.

"Honey, this is Mr. FitzRoyce, one of Calvin's friends".

"A pleasure".

"Can you get in the water?".


"No, it's only for a few minutes".

"Fine, but you owe me dinner".

And, to Mike Brody's detriment, he got in the pool.


Phillip FitzRoyce knew he couldn't win.

He had a lot of girls in London.

He was a smooth talker.

"Like some of me, girls", and he'd make love to common girls. And now he was in America. But he lucked out.

He saw the shark.

"At least you're fine".

He saw Batchlock smile before the cameras.

Several Floridian couples, (and their kids), arrived.

He had short, blonde colored hair, blue colored eyes, and tall. He wore a light, tan brown colored suit, tan colored trousers, a brown colored belt, brown colored socks, and brown colored shoes on his feet. And a gold Rolex watch on his right hand.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to the Undersea Kingdom. It has everything any American tourist needs: Dolphins; whales; sharks; and sea horses. And other creatures of the deep. And, as you can see, the best water skiing in Florida. As you can see, the arial skiing champion ski team are ready to entertain you all. Now, entrance is only $3.00.

"So, make sure you have the best time of your life. And if you need anything, our lovely staff of guides, and managers, are more than happy to take your enquiries. Thank you!".


"And now we have a live shark in the pool. Not many people have experienced such an exciting event...And, without further ado, here's the great white shark...".


And Katheryn stormed away.

She ran past shocked tourists, and saw that the shark's dead body lying flat in the deep water.  Everyone backed away in shock, as the shark passed away.

"Ah, that's Katheryn Morgan. She's the Marine Biologist. She's taking care of everything".

And then the upsetting scene was over.


Ted saw the boat.

The cool, dark waters off Florida were cold.

Ted Parker stared out at the Atlantic Ocean. He blinked his eyes. He wasn't loaded; he was never loaded.

The boat, The Endless, was a near the bow of the docks.

Jaws 3-D A novel by Robert HelligerWhere stories live. Discover now