Author's Note!!

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Thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting on this book!
I appreciate every piece of feedback I receive, and the fact that I nave reached almost 900 reads and just over 100 votes is incredible to me and I never anticipated that people would actually enjoy reading this book.
I know updates have been lacking, I tend to leave for a month and then update, but that's because I'm writing 7 other stories alongside Ambrose. I haven't released one of them yet, although I do have 6 published and being updated more regularly than Ambrose.
It would mean a lot to me if my other stories were read more, as much as Ambrose because they all vary in plot and characters, although 3 of my stories, and 2 more on the way, are all centred in Fallyn. This includes my Ambrose trilogy, my Eria Rising series, my Affinities series and two prequels to Ambrose that I haven't published yet.
Thank you all for everything, please continue to leave constructive criticism and feedback; if you have stories that you want me to read, comment and I'll return the feedback!

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