Part 1

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I remember when I first met Umi. It was like he looked right through me. It seemed as if the light and darkness in his heart disappeared. His eyes looked lifeless but he was still breathing. Like he was in outer space or something. But when he blinked, the life came back and he smiled shyly at me. I was worried.


I saw Styler and Umi walk my way. I blushed immediately when I saw the white hair boy. I couldn't help it. To me, he was cuter than Akira and Yoto put together. To Kamine, that's saying something.

"Hey Ry!" Styler called out to me. Her blonde hair was pretty in the setting sun. It reflected the color of sky perfectly.

Umi's hair did the same, in fact. But the color seemed to dye his hair. Like the color was permanently there. The two looked so beautiful that I was jealous every time I saw them. It hurt the hole where my heart was supposed to be. I was so jealous that they had hearts and was a Someone. I am the only Someone with no Heart in existence.

"Hey hot shot." Umi said with a smile on his lips. I expected as much from him. He is crazier than me at times.

"H-hey." I stutter. I can't help but stutter when he was around. It makes Styler giggle. On the other hand, it makes Kamine slap me in the head and tell me to be more confident.

"What's up?" He asked me. I couldn't help but blush. I could hear Cubi and Venus saying talk to him, but I couldn't he was out of my league. That's why I liked him so much. He is different compared to his twin and his Nobody.

"F-fine. H-how are y-you?" I continued to stutter. No I didn't like him, I loved him. I just can't just come out and tell him that. I just couldn't tell him unless I knew it was time for him to know. But, that won't be for a while.

"Wanna go somewhere?" He asked.

"What about me?" Styler asked, a teensy bit upset.

"Don't you have a Roxas and an Akira to hang out with today?"

I looked over at Styler and noticed she was blushing brightly. Then I remembered that Roxas and Akira are both are basically a splitting image to each other. I then watched her run away screaming nonsense.


He took me to the outer gardens of Oblivion. He knew I had never been outside the castle by just walking out. The only way I got around was by using the dark corridors that the Organization taught me to use.

"Feels different, doesn't it?"

I nodded. I felt like a normal person instead of the Heartless like I always feel.

He showed me things about the castle I never even knew about. Like how everything here are illusions.

"But if Cubi and Venus are always with you, they are not illusions."

"You forgot Kai."

He gave himself a face palm and nodded.

"Yes and Kai. How could I forget her?"

I shrugged then noticed I was getting really weak. Like my darkness was draining from me. I turn my head and notice a person on the castle grounds I have never seen before near the rose bushes. She was carrying a scythe and her dark eyes were wide. She looked surprised. Like, I wasn't supposed to feel like this. Who was she?

She immediately disappeared when Umi looked into her direction.

"What is it Ryo?" He asked, concerned.

I looked at him and shook my head. I needed to figure out who that girl was. She looked like someone I used to see in my nightmares. But that person was death. But I couldn't die. I really didn't have a life. I was created like my father said, right?

I looked back to the place where she was and squinted. There was a scrap of her dress there. I ran over to it and tore it from the thorns. It was a dark black. It was so dark it looked like it was made of oil or something.

Umi walked over and tilted his head.

"What are you doing Ryo?" He looked at my hands and pointed.

Was he blind or could only I see the girl?

"Nothing." I said, stuffing my hands into my side pockets casually, stuffing the scrap of cloth inside.

Umi held out his and smiled. I started to reach out but quickly pulled my hand back. If I let him have my hand, we would have been holding hands. I can't do that. I just can't. What if my darkness seeps into his light heart? What if my darkness consumes him? There are so many what ifs. I just can't contaminate him. I won't do that to this beautiful creature of light.

I looked into his eyes and I had realized that I had made a mistake. His blue eyes held sadness and dejection. I felt bad. Why did I have to be so cruel to this light-filled boy? He slowly to drop his hand. I couldn't let him do that. Before his hand fell to his side, my fingers wrapped around his warm, full of life ones.

He looked at me and smiled. I knew in that moment, all he wanted was to get closer to me. He didn't think I was going to hurt him. All he wanted was someone to be with.

"So, um, Umi..." I started to say but paused.

"No I'm not afraid of you. I never have been. You are the sweetest Heartless I have ever known. Much less, wanted to get to know. All others, I am defeating."

"So you aren't worried that I might, oh I don't know, fill you full of darkness?"

He looked at me with those piercing blue eyes and started to laugh. I don't get how he thought that was funny. I was being serious.

"Listen Ryo, just because you don't have a heart, doesn't mean you are full of darkness. You may not have a heart, but you have light in you."

He took his finger and touched the place where my heart was supposed to be and smiled. There was a spark when he touched me. When he took his finger away, there was a small ball of light there. It was like he opened a tiny Keyhole inside of me.

"I won't forget that, Umi."

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