Oswald and the Book

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Clara Oswald. How to describe Clara Oswald? Even the Doctor didn't knew who she was because she was impossible. The first time the Doctor saw her she was a Dalek, the worst enemy that he ever meet and as far as he know she died as a Dalek, then she was a governess in England, 1842 but then she died again. Well, not really because the last thing she said to him was "Run you clever boy and remember me" so who else would mark exactly those words in the book? Clara Oswald was a mistery and now she's back from the dead.

The Doctor sat down for a moment.

"Impossible girl? Who's the impossible girl?"

"Sometimes I have these companions just for a day or a case, she was one of them, she died twice, so she is impossible..."

"Well not really" Dean started to say "Me and Sam? We died a lot! I mean we had this Tuesday where I died 100 times and we are not impossible..."

"How are you here?"

Dean didn't want to tell about Castiel or others angels or even how important they were to God, sure he started trusting in the Doctor but something was still not right so he gave a warning look to his brother, Sam knew what to do.

"We know some things about what is not natural and you know, in our world we have creatures..."

"Yea, yea Sam, let the talk for other moments, the way she's alive is definitely a different thing from us. What we need to do now is investigate, like a normal case. Doctor we need to back to America, I know why we are here but the crime scene is there, Sam and I need to talk to people who may have seen her next to our car, follow the girl,..."
The Doctor was still speechless, he never thought that something who could be so easy to solve would be so hard and with all the memories and now Clara. Dean was right, maybe she was still there, trying to find him and he needed answers.

"I can't" he said, finally "We need to stay here, I understand everything you said and believe me, I need to find her but here, not in US."

"Okay Doctor, I believe we can resolve this, maybe I can make a call to a friend, he can go there and ask people what we need to know."

"Do you wanna call Cas?"

Cas was Dean's best friend and also the angel who saved him from hell when he died a few years ago. With blue eyes like the beautiful sky in a good day and dark hair Castiel was a little silly, didn't understand many references but he was always ready to help. Dean didn't wanted call him, the story was perhaps a little risky for a real angel and after the last case Cas wasn't in his best conditions. So he called a few hunters, the first two wasn't available, Garth had some case with fairies and he didn't trusted in others something so important so he call the angel.

"Cas, how are you?"

"Better now, you?"

"With a case but I need your help. I know you are still not one hundred percent okay but... it's different, this case is important." A few seconds of silence in the other side, Dean waited anxious

"What you want me to do?"

"Investigate, you go as an FBI agent to an address that I will send to you and ask if someone saw a girl with... wait a second... Doctor, how she looks like?"

The Doctor explained that she have a normal height, big brown eyes, brown straight hair but short and she probably was dressed with dark colours, maybe a dress and a jacket. Her name was Clara Oswald but she could use the name Oswin.

"You heard Cas?"

"Yes, who's he?"

"Just a guy that Sam and I are helping. I will send you the address now, thanks Cas and..."

"I know Dean, you too."

*However in the United States*

Was almost night when Cas arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He settled in a cheap motel and waited till morning to investigate the mysterious girl.

Was 6 am when he went to the center in his 1978 Lincoln Continental to a shop where Sam was when supposedly Clara left the book in the top of the car. The woman behind the desk was tall, blond hair and small dark eyes, she was dressed with a pink shirt, pink skirt and pink shoes, in her neck she had a pink necklace with a cat. The shop was also pink with girl things and candies.

"Is God your father?" she asked when she saw him

"Excuse me?"

"You look like an angel for me, daddy..." Cas started turn red, touching his tie nervously "I'm kidding honey, you don't need to stay like that, how can I help you?" she smiled and he explained he was from FBI and he needed to know if she saw a girl named Clara Oswald or maybe Oswin and explained how she was, like the Doctor said.

"Well I saw a girl like that, don't know her name but she asked me if a tall guy with long hair and a beautiful smile was here. Well I said yes, I'm still thinking about him, really pretty, but I prefer guys with blue eyes..." She touched Cas's hands, smiling again, he was even more nervous
"Can you please continue, Mrs?"

"Yea, sure and it's Miss Lovelinda" she took the hands of his hands but always with a suggestive smile "As I was saying I saw the guy she was looking for, he was a FBI agent, like you, and he said he was investigating the disappearance of a woman, I told her I didn't know where he was but his car, an old Impala was in the other side of the road. She didn't said a thing in the end, a bit rude and she seemed so friendly at first, and left my shop but I saw her put a book in the top of the car. Then the guy appeared, maybe an hour later, grabbed the book and went in the car."

"Thanks Miss."

"Maybe you can give me your number for new information..."

"It's okay, I have what I need." he left the shop and he went to a cafe.

Angels don't eat or drink but he needed to sit a few minutes, he was a little tired. He choosed a table next to the bathroom, in the end of the cafe and then he saw, the girl with big eyes and short hair, a few tables, next to the window.

He picked up the phone and called Dean.

"Dean, I found her."

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