last goodbye

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I'm really sorry


While listening to Troye Sivan and drinking Tequila Jimin was thinking about life.

It was stupid idea but okay.

He had everything.
By everything he mean Jungkook.

No one ever got inside his skin in his life like that boy. His parents were never supportive, his friends...well they are assholes and Jungkook was all in one.

"Fuck this!" Jimin cried and throw the pillow.

Tiger realized something is happening so he was sleeping quietly in the living room under the sign Jimin wrote. Sign that's soon gonna dissapear.

As soon as 'Lost boy' started playing Jimin shut off his phone.

"Why are you against me Troye? You too. Like everyone else."

Maybe he will get better soon. After more than a month being alone again he did nothing good.
He don't even study, he rarely go to school, because Jungkook is there, he dont even clean around his house, he don't eat that much and he drink a lot.
He ruined himself in only 30 days. Just so his night can get any worst he got a message from Taehyung. It was past midnight.

-Jungkook's dad died.
-I think you should know



Do I care? How does Taehyung know that Jungkook's dad died?
Fuck yes I do! My poor Kookie he had no one else to talk to.

He have me.
The only one that know his secrets, things he hate, he loves and everything.
I got a subject called Jeon Jungkook. And I was the best in it.
I am the best.
Only thing Taehyung can do is hurt him.

The funeral is tomorrow. And I feel I should go. No matter how much we hated eachother he's Jungkook's father and I respect him enough to go and say last goodbye.
I will pray that I don't have this bad headache tomorrow.

I should probably shower and wash my hair. I will try to look decent, so people don't get scared of me.

I cried every night before I fall asleep. Every fucking thing in my house reminds me of my kitten.

How can another person destroy you this much?

Or am I doing this to myself?

Anyway I don't care. Also I'm not planning to give up from him too. I will count tomorrow as my last chance.

Right now I will just go to sleep, so I don't think about anything and maybe I will dream about happy life. Happy life with Jungkook in it.



It's raining. Like it's not hard to walk an hour and now I will get wet too.
Spending an hour on showering and washing my hair plus picking my chlotes was a lot. But it's been more than a month I actually tried to look good.
It wasn't hard to pick what to wear.

Most of my chlotes was black.

I picked black skinny jeans, black hoodie and my boots. Last look at myself and I decided to put sunglasses on. I have no time for putting make up.

Just don't expect a lot from this day Jimin and it's gonna be fine.


I hate funerals. My life was sad enough.

As I was walking closer I saw Jungkook. He looked more broken than ever.

Is it because of me?

No, he don't even care about me anymore.

hickeys and bruises/ Jikook [Completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя