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Richie ' s POV
I picked up my guitar and pulled on a few strings but I was quite distracted ,I couldn't stop thinking of her yelling at me like that ,it made me smile and somehow reduced the weight off my chest . She has changed!hot damn she has freakin evolved into a new person  and filled out in placed that places that made her so irresistible and so difficult to ignore .
It's for her own good Richard he remembered the words which Rich knew was true, he wouldn't want to pull her into his mess ,he couldn't endanger her life but it's just getting a lot different and this year she is decided to act different too .
He sighed to himself and laid down on the bed "what do I do with you Celiena"he mumbled to himself with his eyes closed but he was woken up by the sound of knock in his door .
3 am he noted the time and went over to open and there she stood wearing spongebob night shorts a long loose tshirt with a box of donuts  cute as a button he thought . She looked up at him through her lashes before looking down and getting inside his room . He had sort of expected it and it wasn't the first time she had sneaked into his room but it had been a long time,two years to be exact .
"So I umm couldn't sleep I guess and I hope I didn't disturb you " she babbled and it was his cue to fold his arms "actually you did but that's okay ,so what is you want " he asked slowly which made her look up at him "Richie .... Richie I am so sorry ... I shouldn't have hit you !I didn't intend to and it just happened and I was so mad gosh Richie are you okay ?did I hurt you bad ?I just wanted to check up on you "she kept up babbling checking out his arms and feet in a worried way and he couldn't believe it !
she actually thinks she hit me and I am hurt and bleeding and that didn't help his ego .
"That is all you have to apologise about ?and Thankyou for your concern but I am pretty fine ." This time she looked at him blankly .
"Yes "she said looking him straight in the eyes "I meant everything that I said " he could see the tears brimming in her eyes and he couldn't stop pulling her into his arms and she put her arms around him .he knew how much he meant to her and vice versa screw logic  he thought screw everything that he is supposed to act like because right now the girl crying in his arms cared about him a lot more than he has been cared about and he wasn't losing her . He will keep what he gets and maintain distance but no more ignoring he thought pulling her closer to his arms "hey hey no fat tears princess "he whispered in her ears while wiping the tears  "it's alright Cel ,we are good so please don't cry " she looked over at him blurry eyed
"Why "she croaked "why were you behaving like that " now that was a complicated topic and the lesser she knew the better .He kissed the familiar blonde head and he knew he would recognise her smell and the feel of her soft wavy hair anywhere "It's a long story Cel we will get there someday maybe but not today okay ?"he whispered to her and she nodded "babysteps then?" She tilted her head and asked him "yea sort of "he smiled .
She turned around and picked up the donut box she had brought and walked back to him
"I .. umm got you donuts to uhhh.. apologise" she bit her lip before continuing " so do you want like ha"
"Feed me "he cut her off "only then the apology will be accepted" he said cocking an eyebrow .
He knew he was acting wierd but he couldn't stop demanding what his body wanted damn you hormones .she looked up at him surprised but not much disturbed "ofcourse Richie !"and she kissed his right cheek . Act normal Richard ,act like her best friend and not like a freakin pervert he ordered his mind and sat down on the couch but before he could shift over she propped herself on his lap sideways ofcourse like she has done many times before that is before she grew tits !damn them tits man !look at her swell and her soft buns on your thighs his mind said and he shook his head to clear his dirty mind cursing himself  .
"Richie are you okay ?"she sounded worried
"Ofcourse "
She grinned a bought the chocolate donut near his mouth and he took a big bite taking in her fingers in his mouth "ouch !you dog "she said kicking his left leg and he just winked at her stop flirting with her damn it he ordered his mind and he pulled the leftover donut and brought it close to her lips .
"Shut up and eat you fatass "he grinned up at her now that is more like friendly bickering .
She pouted and looked over at him and got up from his lap to stand before him "Richie do you  think I ve gotten really fat this summer too " he looked at her face "yeah you have fatso but not so much " honestly he thought she looked perfect !she was soft and curvy at the right places just as he liked but he wasn't telling her that without looking like a creep .
She scowled up at him "it's all because of you too "she said pointing a finger at him "if only you talked to me and I wouldn't have given into food " she said crossing her arms and looking all haughty . Hottie his mind said "I could help you shed some pounds if you want me to "he offered even though that is the last thing he wanted.
She perked up at that and sat back on his lap ,closer this time and he took a deep breath. "Richie I would really appreciate that !when shall we start ? I could really lose some weight and looking at you I can judge that you ve been into fitness for a while "she said eying his abs she is totally checking you out dude and the thought made him chuckle which made her look up at his face .
"Alright "he said "tomorrow after school meet me at gym at 4 ?" She smiled and shook her head enthusiastically and he kissed her forehead .
"So Miss Anderson if you are done with all the apology arena questioning can we go back to sleep ?" He asked her though he knew he won't be sleeping anytime soon but he wanted her in his arms ,he wanted to hold her and the sense of comfort that came with her around . Life had been so easy before  and his throat constricted as he thought of now .
You are Giordani, never forget your destiny the voice of that loathsome man echoed in his ears .
"Yes "she said slipping off her shoes and getting on his bed in his bed mmm and she patted the space next to her for him and he quietly joined her and she looked at him wistfully and brought a hand to touch his cheek "I missed you Richie "he just kissed her palms and closed his eyes pulling her closer to his chest . She fell asleep soon and he buried his head in her her hair and rested his hands on her waist studying her the edges of her new curves slightly with his fingertips .
If only he could change his destiny he thought,she would be his .

Hey lovelies I hope you liked this chapter and what do you think Richie is hiding ?
You ll find out soon
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