Chapter 5: The Best Friend, who may also be a Killer. Typical.

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Before he knew it, Damon realized he was at the Grille. Of course, where else? As he entered, he was confronted by Sheriff Forbes. What now? Damon thought miserably. "Liz, I'd love to talk, but I'm here to meet someone. What's his name again? Oh yeah, Bourbon." he smiled and tried to walk over to the bar. Until, he was stopped by Sheriff Forbes again.

"Damon, three people were found dead by Wickery Bridge last night." she paused to make sure no one was listening, then added,"drained of blood."

"I was wondering when you'd inform me." Damon responded, uninterested, since he already knew who was responsible.

Sheriff Forbes looked surprised,"You know who did it?"

"Why else to you think I'm here?" Damon matter-of-factly questioned, then tried to escape to the bar again, before being halted by her.

Rolling her eyes, the sheriff turned to him. " It'd be nice if you told me who it is." She could tell Damon was getting annoyed with her, though was aware he wouldn't actually hurt one of his only friends.

"Her name is Riley." Damon flashed a fake smile. "She's 700 years old and would love to rip out anyone's beating heart for the fun of it." He patted Sheriff Forbes's back and made his way over to the bar.

Damon held up a finger to tell the waiter he wanted to order. The man came over and handed him a drink, from which Damon took a sip. When he set it down, he let out a long moan at the sight of the sheriff sitting in the spot next to him. " What now?" He demanded.

"I need to know more. This Riley girl poses as a threat to this town and I'm guessing she needs to be staked." Damon's eyes suddenly flashed and he slammed his drink down on the bar table.

"Just cause she's a threat now, doesn't mean she'll always be. I was killing like 3 people a day and now you're all buddy-buddy with me!" He almost snarled.

"I just thought you wanted her dead the way you put it earlier." She pointed out.

"She is, was," Damon corrected himself, "my best friend. I know I'm a cold hearted guy but that doesn't mean I don't want to spare some people."

Ms. Forbes eyed him carefully, " Well, I was not aware, seeing that you won't tell me anything except that she's a killer and your best friend. Typical."

Damon turned away and finished the rest of his drink and sighed, " I think I'm going to go get drunk somewhere else."

"If she's causing you to be like this, why can't you just let me help you?" She demanded.

"I don't need your help."

Sheriff Forbes watched as Damon stood and left the grille, she'd get to him eventually. Then, it hit her. If anyone would help her now, it was Stefan.

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