Part 4 - An Ocean Away

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Today was judgement day. Colonel Stobart had been and gone with the formal papers approving our position in the US Marines and we were informed that we were to be shipped to Guadalcanal at 0300 hours the next morning.

Lt. Barker gave orders for us to complete our last 10 mile walk to then report to him in the camp bunkers. Hoob thought it was for the routine inspection whereas Rusty thought it was for one of Lt. Barker's prep speeches but to be honest, we were all unaware of what was to come.

Our bunkers represented who we were in some ways, with the drab beige walls, curtains, beds and floors, it was difficult to make it as homely as we would have wanted but those simple cases at the bottom of each bed held a world of characteristics. While some men had letters from home and pictures of family, others lined their case with baseball gloves, trinket boxes and other mementos that meant enough for them to bring them to war.

I had brought my books. I loved books more than anything in the world, they brought me a joy that I could never uncover within a movie. The fact that I could enter a whole new world, a whole new life by simply reading a few lines on a page dazzled me even as a small child. Books and paper to write on were sun and stars.

Rusty, on the other hand, had picture after picture of women along with chocolate, candy and a baseball. While Hoob had a cigarettes and Chuckles had letters from his babe back in Dakota. Our cases told who we were, they separated us from everyone else and that is where we separated from them.

"ATTENTION MEN. FRONT AND CENTRE. AT EASE. Now, because y'all are being shipped off, we need to make room for the new recruits, beds need to be made, trash needs to be thrown away and cases must be emptied and put into your sea bags. YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

"Yes, sir!" The regular response was hollered.

"Y'all be careful, those Japs wanna kill you. Don't let 'em."

Assorted shuffling proceeded but no one failed to notice the look in Lt. Barker's eyes when he finished that final sentence, he had seemed to have formed an attachment to 2nd Battalion without himself knowing. We had formed an attachment to him but that was another secret that remained hidden.


0200 hours with no such luck as to falling asleep. The thought occured to me that i have never heard of Guadalcanal, all I knew of it's nature was that it was on the edge of Jap territory and that I was to be there at 0500 hours. Thoughts were flying through my head, some of doubt and some of hope, I knew that war would be unlike our time at boot camp however how will I cope was still unknown to me.

0237 hours, 8 minutes till it is time for preparation. The clock is moving in slow motion as if it is mocking me and i am at breaking point. I can feel my whole body being engulfed in heat as my emotions take over, scared as I am, I reach over to the other bed to wake Rusty.

"Rusty.. Rusty! Wake up!" I whisper with a sense of urgency.

"Huh.. What.."

"Rusty its 0343 hours, we have 2 minutes till we have to get sorted."

"Oh.. I get it.. you are crapping yourself so you wanna wake me up to comfort you.." Damn.

"No, I am making sure you don't get into any shit with Lt. Barker." I lied, trying to cover up my tracks.

"Well.. Okay.. I'll get up now.." Rusty surrendered still half asleep.


The ship we travelled on was far bigger than the one we came to Parris Island in, it had the same cramped bunkers and the same metallic mess hall but we knew that below this deck, there were transports to get us to the shore of Guadalcanal.

Our short time on the ship was vital in preparing ourselves for what was to come, with my friends and a few cigarettes I managed to keep calm during the 2 days by sea, others were not that lucky.

"Hey Hoob, how ya doing?" I said, trying to hide my worry for him. He had barely eaten and slept most of the time, we were all worried but no one showed it.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay Coop, just a little nervous."

"We all are, Hoob but ya just gotta not think about it." I tried to reassure him.

"I guess you're right, thanks Coop."

"Nah shut up and just come play poker with us." I replied in an attempt to lighten the mood. Which it did and proceeded to make a good night for all of us, coffee, cigarettes and a pack of cards was all we needed.

The following morning we would be at Guadalcanal, but for tonight we were still back at camp for a usual night alone, tonight we didn't want to think about tomorrow because we didn't know what tomorrow would bring.


Make sure to comment on whether you think I should carry on! Thank you:)

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