Her Awakening

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She's alone when she wakes up. Contrary to popular belief, the first thing she notices isn't the white or the machinery or the wires and multitude of things that stick out of her body and her skin.

The first thing she notices is the emptiness that exists where her heart once was.

Why did they save me?

They want me dead.

So why save me?

"Ah! You're awake!"

The voice dimly registers in the back of her mind, but she doesn't bother to analyze the words that are being spoken.

All she can think of is that this world has a sick sense of humor.

Or it's just a masochist.

And for no clear reason, she's forced to be its sadist.


Hi, hi, hey, new story! I've got it all written out, so there'll be no one-year hiatuses (not that that's ever happened, and I hope it never will).

It starts off slowly, but it'll pick up pace soon. Please keep this for some time before deciding whether you like it or not!

NOTE: Extremely sensitive, rather dark later on, so if you get butthurt easily or squeamish, don't read.

Updates every day, so see ya guys tomorrow! :)

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