Master of Puppets

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After all the griffons had left, Elijah led us to the place we would be staying in, two different huts, one for the girls, one for the boys.

Elijah pointed towards a small hut to the left with a red roof.

“Girls are that way. There are clothes in there for you. Breakfast is at 7 am. You will hear a bell. Curfew starts at 10 pm. If you are caught outside your huts, you will be killed. The griffons do not tolerate disobedience. Get changed and meet us in front of the Dining Hall in 10 minutes. It is north of the gathering hut where you met the council. I will see you there.” Elijah lead the boys to there hut and left me, Dana, and Alecia standing in the dust.

“Well, lets go,” Dana said, and she began to limp towards our hut.

Inside was way larger tha I had expected. There were four rooms. Three of them had a bed inside, a dresser, mirror, and a side table. The fourth room was a large bath room. It had a large, clean white tub and a basin, and tons of fluffy white towels hanging on pegs that were evenly spaced out along the wall.

Quickly, we all chose rooms and got dressed.

Inside my room, I looked through the dresser, which was filled to the brim with clothes. I searched through the clothes, and in the very bottom of the drawer, to my surprise, was my mothers old blue dress that I had though I destroyed with mud. It was immaculate and pressed and ironed, perfectly folded to fit one side of the drawer. I pulled it out and slipped out of my torn, green dress that I had worn from the Dryad house. I changed into the soft, blue fabric of my mothers dress and threw on some blue and white striped knee high stockings and black boots that went up to my shins.

I stepped out of the room and went to wait outside.

A couple minutes passed and Dana and Alecia came out. Dana was wearing a light red dress that went to her knees, a velvet red cloak, and a pair of brown boots. Alecia was wearing a strapless yellow dress with a matching hair ribbon and the same boots as me.

We made our way to the Dining Hall, where we met roger and Tighlor, who were sitting on the concrete steps.

“Good afternoon ladies,” Tighlor said, back to his usual happy attitude.

“Good afternoon, tighlor,” Alecia said, winking. Tighlor blushed, but beckoned us all to come and sit down while we waited for Harold and Elijah.

“So what do you think of this place?” dana said, looking out across the horizon, basking in the new light of the sun.

“It’s okay,” I said. “I still don’t know if the griffons are to be trusted or not, though,” I said, eyeing Tighlor.

“Ease up, Viv. you’re so… Distrustful.” Tighlor smiled.

“I’m the only one who can call her Viv, and don’t talk to her like that!” Roger stood up.

“Make me, Outsider!” Tighlor retorted, standing up.

“Make your move, tree boy!” Roger hollered.

“Why, are you to scared for you to start the fight?”

“Guys! Stop it!” I stood up.

“Stay out of this, Vivian,” Roger hissed, staring daggers at Tighlor.

“Too afraid for your girlfriend to get hurt, lover boy?” Tighlor snickered as he and Roger began to circle, me in the center.

“Shut up!” Roger said, throwing a punch at Tighor. Tighlor ducked just in time.

“You’re going to have to make me, chicken!” Tighlor screamed.

“Plant face!”

“Earth rubbish!”

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