Reviewing the Evidence

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Reviewing the Evidence

A few weeks after the lockdown, the Crew invited me to meet Debby and Mark Constantino, specialists in EVPs.

We all grouped by their analyst computer that will decipher the EVPs we caught. Aaron and Nick filmed the whole thing.

Zak went first.

"I caught this while investigating the second bedroom in the Halden Mansion."

Debbie listened with her headphones and drowned out the white noise,

"Me. It sounds like Me."

"Yeah, that's what we heard." Zak replied.

I went next.

"This one I caught while down in the basement by myself, looking at the pentagram."

Debby listened close.

"I heard...It's not safe. It also sounds high-pitched like a female or child's voice."

A sudden chill zapped down my spine,

"It must've been Emma Halden, she's the only female spirit in the Mansion."

We all shared expressions of wonder,

"Did Emma warn you about the pentagram?" Zak asked

"That's the only way I can explain it." I turned to Debby to share my experience.

"When I turned back to the pentagram after hearing a deep growl behind me, my camera froze as soon as I saw a dark figure reach for my neck."

Mark reviewed my footage and could see when I caught the dark figure, we also showed them when Nick was scratched on his shoulder.

"We also caught this EVP after Zak asks 'Who scratched Nick?'."

After listening to the Digital Recording, Debby turned and gave the analysis that shocked us all.

"It says 'I want the girl'."

"That's definitely a demonic entity. I would theorize that it attacked Nick because he protected Aura and it wanted her energy. Shoulders are often associated with support and nurturing others." Mark said.

"Well, I did help her cope with her fears. She looked really afraid when we found her. I felt the same way when we investigated the Linda Vista Hospital, so I understood how she felt. That's why I helped her." Nick added.

I smiled that he wanted to help me, feeling he did nurture me as a father would.

"Yeah, I provoked the spirits earlier and I believe my provoking caused this to happen." Zak said, slightly guilty of bringing harm to his crew.

"I actually don't mind that I was scared so bad," I spoke out and Zak turned to me.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"It gave you guys evidence and I think my discovery probably saved countless others from attacks or possessions."

He nodded to my reasoning,

"You should get someone to seal that portal as soon as you can." Mark suggested.

"Yeah, we do." Zak replied.

"Well, Debby and Mark. Once again, you guys helped us on another investigation and we hope to see you guys again soon. Thanks very much." We all shook their hands, happy that our findings truly were paranormal.

Before we left, Zak had one last thing to say.

"Aura, you definitely helped us out on this lockdown, so we have a few things for you..." Zak reached into his bag.

"Something from each of us."

I was surprised by this.

"Here's a Nightvision Camera from Aaron, a Digital Recorder from Nick and a Ghost Adventures Crew T-shirt from me." Zak handed them to me, I was really impressed.

"Wow, thanks guys."

"That's not all..."


"We've decided as a team to make you, our official Junior Paranormal Investigator."

My jaw dropped, ecstatic with excitement.

"Are you serious?!"

"Totally serious." Zak replied.

Everyone gave me a congratulatory hug.

"Thanks so much, you guys." I wiped the tears of joy away from my eyes and still couldn't believe I'm now an official member of the Ghost Adventures Crew.

Debby and Mark took a picture of me with the guys.

"Now you'll have an even better story to tell back home." Aaron said.


"As our Junior Investigator, you'll get to do your own investigations at home and we'll be contacting you to join us on our lockdowns whenever we may need you." Zak assured.

"Please do. This is awesome, thanks guys."

It was the coolest moment of my life.

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