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Dean's pov

"Here. Stop here." I instructed Brie as the minivan came to a complete stop-still. She looked over at me for further instructions. "We are here." I said getting out, followed by Brie. "Grab the bags. Make sure you keep your bow and arrow out. We don't know what danger we may run into." I commanded, looking at her from my end of the backseat to hers. We are both outside, grabbing our things from the backseat. "I figured." She replied but her tone had no attitude in it. "Did you put anything in the trunk?" Brie asked looking at me so I simply shook my head, she nodded slightly. "Ah!" She made a noise of struggle. "Want me to hold that?" I offered she look at me with raises brows along with a 'seriously?' Look on her face. I don't know why though? So I raised my brows making her smile. "You have like three bags. I can manage this one." Of course, she is so strong but considerate, I chuckled, finding myself foolish for ever thinking she would just hand me the bag. "Got it." I made her laugh saying.

We are an on a road surrounded by trees in the dark of the night with only on lamppost working. It is sort of creepy out here but it's the least creepy of places we'd have to pass through. "What now?" Brie looked to me for answers. "I'm going to go in the car, turn it to face that river bank, directed to the part with the missing rails and then get out and let it drive into the river." I informed. Brie looked slightly worried but nodded. At least she has faith in me. I walked over to the side of the road without the cliff and rest the bags there and Brie stood there besides them. I smiled at her, hopping into the minivan, that still had the key in the engine. I took a deep breath and began doing as I told, driving it as close as possible to the missing railing. Good. I stopped it for a bit and got out. I then turn the key and drove the car from outside, stepping asides as it went over the cliff. I watched as it goes down into the water, making a huge splash before sinking slowly. Brie now besides me, watching the last of it sink.

           "There is no turning back now." She softly muttered, intertwining her hand with mine. I kissed her forehead. "Only forward." I advice hearing her take a sharp inhale. "I'm ready." Was all that she said before letting go of my hand walking over to the place we have our bags and stuff. I smiled looking at her. She have always been brave and strong, tonight is no difference. I'm scared too, but this had to been done. We had no choice left. It's time we be brave.

          We walked for hours through the woods getting smacked in our faces, creeped out by the sounds from animals, annoyed with the mosquitoes, feet tried, I'm sleepy, she is sleepy, I'm hungry and so is she. "We can't be make it there tonight or even tomorrow Dean, we have to find somewhere to sleep tonight. I can't take it no more." Brie shared her opinions and I know she is right. "I know I just want to make sure we are far out enough." That is all. I don't want no one seeing us and I mean no one, not even a complete stranger. "And they won't. We are in the bloody hills after all. I'm freezing." She complained. The fannel she had around her waist she is now wearing. Along with a jacket she had. I simply had on my tee and a jacket and yes, it is cold. "Fine. Just walk for a bit more until we find a nice cozy location that's private." I complied with her, she still shot me a dirty look before continuing walking. She couldn't have expected us to just drop our things and sleep right here. It is the most public place in this woods.

              "How about over there? Behind the log? I can't see behind it and it has tree covering it." Brie looked back at me hopeful after her suggestion. I looked at the place she was talking about. I mean it's not ideal but it can work for now. Plus it may be the best place we can get and I'm extremely tired. "Lead the way to it." She smiled at me brightly before slowly but happily walking over the log and resting our stuff down behind it. I caught up to her and look at the place we are working with and I must admit, it is pretty neat. Flat floors that tree trunks aren't poking out off. I rest my bags with the others steeping over the log to the other side where we will be sleeping. "Take out the sheets and sleeping bags." Brie ordered and I nodded grabbing the bags with the things. Yes, we have sleeping bags we both rolled so much that they find into one bag. Brie helped setting the things up.

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