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Raina climbed up onto the bench. Slowly she moved back the curtain to peek out the window. Her eyes widened when she saw the woman. She was the palest person Raina had ever seen. Her milk white skin and hair looked eerie, almost like a ghost. The only thing of color on the woman was her eyes. They were the color of dried blood and pupils were silted like a cats.

Blood splatter on her face but she seemed completely unaware. The woman looked at Zulo and smiled. Raina felt a cold shiver run down her back. That was not the look of a woman who was mentally sound.

"What do you think you're doing, Amytha?" Prince Zulo asked. His harsh voice cracking like a whip threw the air.

Amytha dropped the headless body she was holding. She took a step closer toward Zulo. Raina's eyes flicked between her and the prince. Her heart pounding in her chest.

She's going to kill him. Raina thought. She's going to kill him and then I'm going to be next.

"Stay back, Amytha." Zulo warned his hand on his sword. Raina thought his eyes might be doing that glowy thing again.

"Stay back? Stay back? Was in not just a fortnight ago you were in my bed pulling me closer." Amytha said, her eyes turning a bright red.

"It's over between us Amytha. You've know that this is how it was suppose to be."

"I don't care what they say I love you Zulo. I love you the way no other woman ever could, especially her. She couldn't possibly handle you."

Raina's eyes widened as she realized what she was really witnessing. Amytha was one of Zulo's disgruntled lovers. She'd seen women act like that before over her brother. It usually wasn't as bloody as this but Amytha had the same pouty jealous demeanor that the other girls had.  The difference was that this woman was clearly other worldly which made her ten times more dangerous.

"She is my wife, Amytha. That makes her a princess of Anthos. What you did here to these men can be forgiven because of our family ties but if you step foot near her it will be seen as an attack against the royal family." Zulo growled.

Amytha looked on their verge of tears. Her fist ball up as she stumps her foot on the grown. The childish act sends vibrations through the grown that rattles the carriage.  Raina braced herself against he carriage walls. She sent a silent prayer out to the gods. She did not want to die here. Life couldn't be that unfair.

"She doesn't deserve you. She's nothing." Amytha cried.

"She's my wife. That makes her everything." Zulo stated, simply.

Amytha let out a cry before racing forward with lightning fast speed.  Raina jumped back. There was murder inside Amytha's bright red eyes.

Zulo moved just as fast. Before she could reach the carriage he grabbed her by the throat. He lifted her body up in the air with inhuman strength.  Amytha's hands reached up to her neck trying to pry his hands away.  Her feet kicked out searching for the grown. Zulo tightened his grip.

"Don't ever try me Amytha. The next time you do I'll make sure you stay dead." Zulo said.

There was a cracking noise. Raina watched in horror as her body went limp. Zulo released his grip and her body fell to the ground. Raina looked at the lifeless body and felt her stomach twist.

Zulo turned back towards the carriage. Raina scrambled into the farthest corner. She pulled her chain from her neck. It was the symbol of the sun god. Her mother had given it to her for her thirteenth birthday for protection. She held it up now with shaking hands.

Zulo opened the door. His eyes looked on his frightened wife. He frowned.

"S-stay back." Raina stuttered.

Zulo sighed and took a step forward. Raina pushed the amulet forward.

"I mean it. I'm not afraid to use this." She said. She wasn't exactly sure how she would use it but she heard stories of how evil spirits were repealed by certain gods.

"Wrong God, love." Zulo said wrapping his hand around hers. "If you wish to do me harm you should have called to the moon God."

Zulo took the necklace from her. Raina stared at him completely defenseless. The necklace was her last defense. Now she had nothing.

Zulo reached past Raina and grabbed a bag from the floor. He strapped the pack over his shoulder.

"Come on little one. We'll have to walk from here." Zulo said holding out his hand. Raina looked at it and then back up at him. He couldn't be serious.

"You just killed her!"Raina exclaimed.

"Who? Amytha?"  Zulo asked looking back at the dead woman. "She'll be fine."

"She's dead." That was the exact opposite of Raina's definition of fine.

"Not for long. We should get going before she wakes up." Zulo said.

Raina just stared at him. Even if she did want to go she didn't trust her legs to keep her standing.

Zulo sighed. He reached for her. Raina tried to move away but there was no place to run. His arms wrapped around her. He lifted her out of the carriage and  over his shoulder. Despite her size and struggles he handled her with ease.

Just relax. Your struggles will only tire you out.  Zulo voice said inside of her head.

Raina stopped but not because Zulo told her too. Once outside Raina could see the carnage Amytha had created. Dead bodies piled up on stop of each other. She looked at the blood soaked bodies and lifeless faces. Her stomach twisted.

"Raina, don't." Zulo said since the change, but it was too late. The smell of blood made her stomach flip.  It was too much. She lurched forward emptying her stomach.

"Seven hells." Zulo cursed.

Raina's head spun. She didn't know how this day could get any worse but life had a way of surprising her.

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