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Seemingly a filler, but still important nonetheless. There's juicy stuff in the future I swear!

Sorry about all the country songs, guys, the lyrics just fit so well lol

"She once thought that love wasn't just a game.
Her feelings once came from the heart...."
-'Alibis' Tracy Lawrence.

"Get. You're. Ass. Up!!" I shouted each syllable while jumping on the bed. I only got back a muffled answer.

When I had got back, Emma was fallen over at the edge of the bed. It was a result of her poor attempt to get up.

I went to the bathroom, coming back with the bucket of ice and stood right next to Emma. I shook the bucket of ice.

"You wouldn't."

"You did not just ask that question."

"Dammit, no, I'm up, I'm up," she sat up with squinted, bloodshot eyes and her hands held up in defense.

I tossed a piece of ice at her before returning the bucket.

I yelled from the bathroom, "If you don't get your ass up, I'm not telling you shit."

When I re-entered the room, Emma was scrounging around the room for her bathing suit and beach things.

"Give me like 30 seconds," she said before quickly going change.

I laughed before changing into my swimsuit, slipping on a black, flowy, crop-top and tying a sarong around my waist. I grab my fedora from the corner of the room, and redo my bun before placing my hat on.

I'm in the process of slipping on some sandals in place of my converse when Emma comes bounding back in the room, obviously rejuvenated and restored back to herself.


I laugh, "Ashton texted me this morning to check up on me, and then suggested we go for coffee. We got to talking, learned a little about each other. He's 18, too. He said they're Aussie and here on "business." I was really skeptical about his answer, so I secretly googled his name, and look at this shit," I showed her the webpage.

"Whoa, what the fuck?"

"And you know he didn't come off as cocky or anything... He has yet to tell me anything about this whole being-in-a-band thing," I shrugged as I started packing a beach bag with my towel, tanning lotion, and portable speaker for my phone.

"And...? How does this make you feel?" She said it seriously, but I inwardly laughed at my personal psychiatrist, "I mean what are your thoughts about him."

"I don't know. Excited? How fun? A band? He's seems sweet, genuine, and makes me laugh. He's nice to be around I guess."

She cocked an eyebrow at me, "Bullshit, Jess. I haven't seen you like this in a while. This is more than just 'nice'."

I opened my mouth, but stopped short. Surely I didn't... see something... in him already. No, I've known the boy for two fucking days. I pushed that thought out of my head as quickly as it entered.

I shifted my position, "No, I'm done with boys and their bullshit. You know that. This is just a nice friendship," I tried ending the conversation.

"K, not like he's your type or anything," she answered rolling her eyes, "Like with dimples or the size of his arms, his build."

I hated that answer, "Trust me, I'll have fun with him, he's definitely not a bad way to occupy your time. And he's easy on the eyes. But to feel shit for him, what? And risk, like, falling for him? There's no point in getting my hopes up, only to find out down the road that he's different than I thought. Fuck that."

I'd rather be called a 'flirt', than 'the girl with a broken heart.' I'm not letting it get nowhere near that far. Besides, I didn't even know how long he and/or I would be staying in the area.

I went grab my camera from one of my travel bags, putting the strap around my neck.

She looked at me with melancholy expression, "Jess, don't be rash-"

"I'm not being rash... just cautious. Look. He's nice to me, I'm nice to him. Neither of us has yet to like each other, and I'll leave it like that," I said with my hands up in defense.

I know my little rampage seemed pretty vicious, but I'm just done with being forgotten after a week, or a month. Trust me, though we've yet to hang out a week, I've come to know, the talking, and eventually, text messages always come to an abrupt end. It leaves me dumbfounded and hurt. It's happened many times already, and after the second or third time, I learned quick and I decided to turn the game around. I'm now the one quick to judge and jump ship before it happens to me. The sort of relationships I'm partial to, are the ones with no attachment, and fun only.

I ran my fingers over the grooves and crevices of my huge DSLR camera. The past year, I've focused on me. The fact that I'm still dwelling on this, scares the fuck out of me. It's a sign that it could most definitely... happen again.

I flung my bag on my shoulder, "Let it pass, Em. You know what though? Whatever happens, happens," I gave her a huge smile and shrugged my shoulders again.

Before I began walking toward the door, "So let's see what happens," I said, wiggling my eyebrows, tilting my head toward the door.

She looked at me with wide eyes before rolling them.

"I love you Jess, I do, but you confuse the fuck out of me, crazy girl," she said with a laugh.

I gave her a cheesy grin, "Well you wouldn't be the first."

With a smile lingering on my face, I pulled out my phone to text Ashton that we were on our way.

Wild in Your Smile :: Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now