Lucy and Natsu

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Dear Mom,

Things are great in Fairy Tail, as usual. Natsu and Gray have been particularly argumentative of late. I wonder why, but I'm too afraid to ask! Erza went on an S-Rank mission by herself, so she's been gone all week (now that I think about it, maybe that has something to do with Gray and Natsu...). She comes back today, though, and I'm really excited! 
No news from Dad, but I hear he's doing fine in Acalypha. I've been nervous about him, because it's that time of year again. Today is July 1st - my birthday. I really hope he doesn't make an appearance. I haven't told anyone in Fairy Tail about today being my birthday; I don't want a big celebration or anything like that. Imagine how over-the-top that would be!
I know that Master Makarov knows what today is, so I won't be going to the guild at all. Just to be on the safe side, you know? My resolve is slowly dissolving though - I'm bored out of my mind! Maybe I'll go take a walk. It's really nice out this morning, but I can already tell it's going to be hot, hot, hot later. After my walk, maybe I should go swimming? That's sounds like fun, don't you think?

With Lots of Love -

Lucy signed her name at the bottom, looking at her loopy writing gloomily. Today she was eighteen years of age, but that fact aroused no excitement in her. If it weren't for the sake of tracking how old she was, Lucy probably wouldn't even bother to remember the date of her birthday. Birthdays didn't hold any pleasant memories, not even the scant few in which her mother was present. All her frugal efforts to celebrate her birthday with her father had been in vain, and eventually she didn't even bother telling him about it anymore. It's not like he cared.

With a sigh, Lucy stood. A walk did sound like a relaxing idea, and it was a good way to relieve her boredom. If she became too idle, then her resolve to stay at home might vanish completely. "Open the Gate of the Canis Minor! Nikora!" she said, holding out Plue's silver key. The small white "dog" popped into sight, staring at Lucy expectantly. "Wanna go for a walk, Plue?" she asked, slipping on her shoe.

Plue nodded vigorously, tapping towards the door. Lucy had to retain a squeal of utter adoration. Plue was so cute! Already, she was feeling better. With the small celestial spirit at her side, Lucy began her leisurely stroll down Strawberry Street.

The morning was magnificently bright and cheerful. The sun was already beating down harshly on the cobblestones, but a gentle breeze picked up cool moisture from waterway off the street. Lucy hopped onto the ledge, waving to the boatmen who usually scolded her for doing something so dangerous. The water cast a distorted reflection of herself and Plue amongst it's rippling tide. She glanced at it curiously, staring into the brown eyes of her reflection. Eighteen years old...she didn't feel any different. She never did.


The celestial mage in question nearly tumbled into the water. She actually would have if someone hadn't grabbed her by the waist before she lost her balance. In the same instant, she was swept off the ledge and into someone's arms. Baffled, she squinted away the rays of sunlight that hid her rescuer's face in shadow. It was a familiar one. "Eh?" she exclaimed, exchanging a glance with Plue. "Loke?"

Loke (otherwise known as Leo, the Lion) set her down on the street with a stern expression on his face. Lucy blinked up at him, perplexed. She hadn't summoned Loke; in fact, she was incapable of summoning Loke with Plue already by her side. "Loke?" she repeated. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing?" he retorted, gesturing to the ledge.

"I always walk that way. I was just enjoying the morning air," Lucy explained.

"Hmph," Loke tsked, crossing his arms. "You could stand to be a little more careful when 'enjoying the morning air.' "

Lucy wrinkled her nose. "I wouldn't have almost fallen if you hadn't startled me. And you didn't answer my question."

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