In The Silence-4

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 Sorry it took me so long to upload again -_-. Got lots of homework and stuff so I hardly have time to write. But this time I'll try and upload in the week. Or if your reading this in the future I hope I wrote a good one! ^_^  x


Chapter 4


Going back to school was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment, it's been two weeks since Tina went missing and Lucy hadn't gone back to school since, but her mum has forced her to go back and also the fact she needs to gather more evidence Mr Shuts did all this. Lucy is convinced that Mr Shuts took Tina away but she can't be sure just yet.

She still hasn't told anyone about the time Mr Shuts had beaten her up, and she's planning to keep it like that.

As she walks slowly to her first lesson, lots of people stared and whispered when she came into view. Everyone thought that Lucy had been kidnapped as well since she's been off school for awhile.

"Hello, Lucy. Where's your sister then, hey? There's no one to protect you now is there? Awh such a shame..."  Said Ben, the school bully, he wasn't as much as a trouble before when Tina was around, but Tina wasn't here anymore.

"Go away Ben! Leave me alone, OK?" She said walking past him.

"Really or what? What would you do then, eh? Go on then, show what you would do!" He said grabbing her hand, spinning her round to face him with a grin on his face, and all of his mates crowded round her with big smiles on their faces.

'What would Tina do?' Lucy thought to herself. But she knew what Tina would do, dd she have the heat to do it though?

"Just what I thought, nothing!" Ben said starting to walk away.

"Ben," Lucy said.  "Don't talk about my sister again."

Ben turned round and as he did she punched him in the nose. He staggered back holding his nose in his hands.

"You bloody b*tch! Your just like your sis' ain't you?! Just wait till my dad hears about this! He'll break your arm in a second, he will!" He shouted at her.

But Lucy wasn't listening, she was too busy gathering her thoughts on what just happened and if she should of done what she did . Everything eles was just a blur, until Mr Shuts came down the corridor.

Everyone that was gathered round Lucy and Ben quickly scattered. Lucy was breathing heavier and her legs were shaking. Ben was standing in front of her with a smirk on his face.

"What's going on here then?" Mr Shuts said, looking directly at Lucy.

"Lucy Davis punched me!" Ben complained.

"Is that so?" Mr Shuts said, not taking his eyes off Lucy.

"He was talking about Tina," Lucy muttered.

Mr Shuts tried to hide a smile and said. "Well then, if this is true, Lucy. You'll have detention with me everyday after school for  two weeks. Is it true Lucy?"

"Yes," She said, her voice uneven now and she was shaking more than before.

"Well then, detention for two weeks it is then. Now both of you, hurry off to your lessons, your going to be late." He said, his mouth failing to hide a smile any longer.


Tina was staring at Molly in horror while everybody eles cleaned the floor where Molly's blood was and heaved her into a black body bag. Molly's eyes were now closed but the picture kept coming back into Tina's head of the pain and shock in them.

Tina never saw someone die before, she thought that it was a natural part of life and people make to bigger deal out of it. But this was different, Molly wasn't ready to die.

After they cleaned everything in the room twce and put Molly's body bag by the door the girls sat in a circle again exchanging notes.

'You alright Tina?' Chloe wrote.

'No.' Tina wrote back annoyed that she couldn't work it out herself.

'Alright, alright, no need to get all b*tchy with me,' Chloe wrote back quickly.

'I have every reason to be b*tchy with you. How can you just forget about Molly's death? It's one of the most terrible things I've ever seen!'

'You'll get use to it, Tina. He's gonna kill lots more people in the time your here. He's killed at least ten since i've been in this house,'

Tina's eyes widened. 'TEN! How can he kill ten people in about two weeks?'

'He kills someone at least every other day, maybe more you'll never know he might murder someone today but I very much doubt that since Molly...'

'But why?!' 

' He kills men, mainly men. Middle aged, school boys, some even OAPs. He says he's trying to make the world safer for girls and women by killing all the stalkers and pedo-files out there. To make life safer for us and keeping us from those terrible people out there. No one knows why he does it. But I think it's because something must of happened to him in the past, maybe a family member kidnapped by a pedofile or a stalker or a phyco, I guess we'll never know.'

'Fair enough. But why do we have to wear our school uniform in the week and wear such slutty things at the weekend?' Tina questions. She might has well ask all these things on the subject of Mr Shuts or she'll never get to bring it up again.

'Because he likes to think we go to school, in his pretend world he likes to think a magic fairy comes along and teaches us or something. He makes us wear such short stuff because he think that girls should show themselves off, he think that we should be admired like a gold medal, won in a race.'

Tina didn't know what eles to say, that's all she needed to know to confirm that she needs to get out of here, hopefully before the weekend so she won't have to wear that so called "skirt" and "top". 

'Jas, you want to get out of this place, right?' Tina writes passing the note to Jasmine.

'Of course I do!' Jasmine writes back.

'Then this is what we do-'


Sorry it was such a short chapter. Next time I'm going to do Mr Shut's point of view which will be... interesting.  Comment, vote do what you like! :P xxxx

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