In The Silence-2

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I have deadicated this chapter to my good friend GangsterTurtle who has been hurrying me write this chapter ASAP! :P This is a picture of Lucy who is played by Jackie Evancho! :)


Chapter 2


'There's something very wrong with Mr Shuts.' Tina thought to herself in R.E. Mr shuts lesson was something else, telling people off for making the slightest noise, Tina still has a headache from him shouting at her for having a coughing fit. Three girls had detention with him already including her best friend Chloe. But that wasn't the weirdest thing. He never told the boys off for shouting out or making noises he just glared at them and carried on with his lesson. Everyone in his class have now decided to call him 'shut up shuts' which fitted him perfectly.

As the bell went for the end of the day. Tina sighed and looked at her time-table for tomorrow. She had English again. With Mr Shuts. And the next day. And the next day. She had him on four of the five days of the school week.

"Brilliant" She Muttered to herself and went off to find Lucy.

"Tina!" Some shouted from behing her. It was Chloe.

"Oh hi Chloe. I guess you won't be walking home to day, with detention and all?" Tina asked. Chloe sighed and nodded.

"Yeah it's so unfair! My pencil only snapped and he made it out like it was my fault! Bloody Shuts." Chloe Shouted.

"Well, er, yeah. Tell me how it goes tomorrow. I have to meet my sister so, S'later." Tina said confused about the sudden out burst of anger from Chloe. Chloe was always the happy-go-lucky type. But lately she's been so angry all the time, and Tina doesn't know why.

"S'later," Chole mumbles while Tina is walking away.

When Tina finds Lucy she's sitting on a bench crowded by lots of girls. Tina walks over to her and the crowed make a little pathway for her. Lucy has her hands over her face crying her eyes out.

"Hey, Lu' what's wrong?" Tina asks, sitting down next to her. Tina glares at the girls still hovering over them and quickly moves away, giving them some space.

"Lucy, come on what's wrong, eh? You can tell me. I won't be angry no matter how bad it is," Sometimes Tina thinks even Lucy is scared of her, or worried she'll lose her temper either one she still has to promise just to make sure she doesn't.

"You promise?" Lucy mumbles with her head still in her hands.


I there was a pause then Lucy took her hands away from her face and what she sees is what she feared. Lucy has a black eye and cuts all every where, marking her pure white skin.

"Who did this to you, Lucy?" Tina said in shock. She knew that Lucy had been in a fight, but she wanted her to admit it first.

"I-I fell over. And hit myself on a locker." Lucy mumbled like she had practised saying that all day and she was playing with her hair like she does when she is lieing.

"Don't lie to me Lucy Davis," Tina says tring to keep calm.

"Y-you promise you won't say anything to anyone, even Mum?"

Tina nods her head and Tina took a deep breath.

"M-Mr Shuts, held me back, after class because I-I shouted out and-and,"

 Lucy's eyes were filling up with tears so Tina decided she should finish the sentence for her. "And her did this to you?" Lucy nodded. "And told you to say you hit your head on the locker?" Lucy nodded again.

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