bonus chapter :: [32-33 :: kookie's point of view]

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Today is the day.

Mia is going to find out who I really am. Of course I would be nervous.

She didn't know it was me, though I had thought about telling her already. It just seemed unfair that I knew who she was, how she looked like, when she didn't know I was me. But whenever I would begin to type something out, my fingers would hit backspace and I end up typing something else.

I was afraid. Even now, I'm afraid of how she would react. Angry that I didn't tell her who I was? Happy? Embarrassed? Knowing Mia for as long as I had, I could only guess.

I told her to meet me at the coffee shop in Hongdae. There were usually not many people there, and I didn't want to risk being found out by the media.

I walked there, not wearing much of a disguise. We weren't too famous here. Not yet, anyway. When I entered, I recognized the girl sitting at one of the tables. It was Mia.

My heart skipped a beat and I tried to keep calm, though I couldn't help the smile on my face when I saw her pull out her phone. She could have been tweeting that she sees me, but I knew her enough to know that she wouldn't. She was a fangirl, me-biased, but she knew her limits. We had talked about it before when we texted.

I paid for my order, watching as she stole a couple of glances my way. It was funny. As if she thought I wouldn't notice. Her actions managed to calm the part of me that was nervous.

The barista handed me my drink as my phone rang with a message.

I opened the kik app, confident that I knew who it was.

amiamelia: hey! where are you? there's something i want to tell you rn.

I was grinning from ear to ear as I sent her a reply. I started walking towards her.

Another message came in.

amiamelia: he's here. he's freakin in this room with me. we're breathing the same air. holy shxt

I chuckled. The sound of it made her look up from her phone.

Her eyes bulged, as if they would fall out of the sockets, and her jaw dropped slightly. She reminded me of a fish like that.

"Jungkook?" I liked the sound of her voice. It was cute.

"It's nice to meet you, Mia." I hoped I sounded alright. I sat down across from her, watching her expression. She didn't move. I think I broke her.

"Holy shiitake mushrooms!"

What? It was so sudden, caught me by surprise, and I laughed out loud.

"I can't, I can't even..." She reminded me of the comments on our videos. "Is this even real life?"

I shrugged. Going along with her dramatic moment, I pinched her arm. Lightly that it wouldn't hurt. She glared at me.

"What was that for?"

"To prove to you that this is real."

"Oh, okay." She blinked a few times then, "Holy shish kebab. This is real!"

I was laughing, looking around the cafe to see that the other customers were giving us dirty looks. I looked back at her. "You're even more funny in real life."

"I'm more than just amusing, bae." She froze as if she just realized she had done something wrong. I assured her that she was alright. I liked seeing her embarrassed. It was cute. The way her cheeks became red as she blushed was cute.

One of the employees walked up to our table to set down the slices of cake I ordered. "I thought you're hungry, so I ordered something," I explained when she looked confused. I asked her if she liked the cake, and she nodded with a grin on her face. I covered up my laughter when I saw the chocolate on her teeth.

"They want to meet you too," I told her. She asked me who I was talking about, and I just told her, "The hyungs." She knew who i meant by that.

The sound of the fork hitting the plate echoed for a bit and Mia blinked. "How do they even know about me? Did you tell them about my blog?"

Her blog? Oh, yeah. That blog. I was flustered, of course. Taehyung hyung looked us up on Google and we found the blogs dedicated to us on Tumblr. It was nice to know what our fans loved about us, though a few posts we saw were... inappropriate.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed as, I guessed, the reality sank in. "I hate you! You should've told me you're you. I could have mentally prepared myself for this moment, you know."

I frowned, even though I knew she didn't mean it when she said she hated me. "Would you believe if I told you who I am before?"

"Okay, fine. I wouldn't have." she shrugged. "Would've been more believable if you texted me through Kakao Talk, though."

"You know, I like you a lot when you text me," she said. "And the fact that you take the time to text despite your schedule... It really means a lot to me."

I smiled. "It's no problem, really. I like you, Mia. I like being your friend."


a/n: this was kinda hard to write since it's been a while but here it is. i'm so sorry for the delay. i've been busy with some things (a.k.a life)

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