21 :: name

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amiamelia: you know, i already told you something personal but i still don't know your name

maknae: oh yeah

amiamelia: so what's your name?

amiamelia: blech that question is so weird. we've been chatting for months and i only asked this now

maknae: do you really want to know

amiamelia: yeah i do maknae

maknae: is that your nickname for me? maknae

amiamelia: it's the only thing i know to call you

amiamelia: and don't change the subject

maknae: you have to guess :P

amiamelia: oh great. now i feel like you're a stalker... you know me but i don't know you

maknae: you know me

amiamelia: but not ur name or how you look like! you probably know how i look bc of my selfies on tumblr

maknae: u have cute selcas though :)

amiamelia: errr thanks :")

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