Chapter two

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Three years earlier...
  They're were going to get ride of my memories... They aren't even going to tell anyone what they're doing they're going to say I ran like a scared little child or I dyed or something. But I don't what people to think that about me. All because I fell in love with a vampire and said downworlders and Shadowhunters are equal. So that's the end of me.

  My life will be simple for now on they're probably send me off to a holding cell...or make me live with mondaines  I hate mondaines they're so stupid. And I'll probably forget I'm a Shadowhunter they'll take away my sight temporarily.
  "Ocean." Someone said breaking my thoughts.
  "It's time to go now." Another voice said.
  "Fine," I stood and walked to the door head down.
  "You can't do this to her she didn't do anything wrong. Mother please." I heard Alec begging he probably thought they were just talking my runes and sending me on my way, but it was just so much worst.
  "Alec," I said tears stinging my eyes.
  "Ocean!" He yelled as the grip wrapped tighter around my arms. I saw Jace, people were holding him and Issy back she was screaming and crying.
  I mouthed 'I love you' to both of them. And then the tear dripped down my check, what was going to happen to Raphael.
  They stepped into a room dragging me along and there sat two chairs one held Magnus Bane the other is where they tied me. He was helping them? I didn't under stand but when he mouthed trust me, I really didn't have a choice. Then the black goo covered my vision and their words felt far. And then I was gone.

Present Day
  "Sweetie you're going to be late for school last day just because your out of high school today doesn't mean you can skip. " my dad yelled from down stairs.
  "Our school is the only one still going this late it's so stupid. It's June 29 already." I yelled back.
  "Get up sweetie." I could tell he rolled his eyes.
  I got up and walked to my closet, I threw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top with my leather jacket. I slipped on my black boots and zipped them up. I grabbed my purse and my phone and ran down stairs and got my keys went to the washroom to brush my teeth.
  "Bye dad, and dad." I said to them walking out the door. I got into my bug it was laser blue I got it last year. And headed toward the school, of course I wasn't really going to class I had something to do. And it wasn't eating sugar cookies and playing music so loud our ears bleed it was important I was going to Brooklyn school of the arts for my final interview to try to get into college this fall. I had ten other school accept me the one I will go to if I don't get in is in Alaska it was far away I'd never have to see these people again of course I'd come and see my dads and Missy and Carl I'd come back for them.
  If you're wondering about my personal life I really don't remember anything before I was adopted by my dads that was three years ago and I guess I blocked out the cold past of my life for a reason. I guess that's bad only remembering stuff after you turned 16 but I remember little things like smiling and having ice cream with friends I can't remember things like my friends names, places I went or even how we met. I have a new life here so no one really cares about my old one and I'm okay with that.
  I pulled up to a sign with the school name written on it about 5 hours later. And the weirdest thing happened, I turned the car back on and pulled away it was as if I wasn't controlling myself I pulled up to a dark tall building that looked like it should be in a horror movie and got out of my car my brain told my body to do something but it was as if it didn't listen to it as if it had a better goal than listening to my brain. And then I stopped and stood there a guy came out he looked angry.
  "You're not welcome here." He said and my mind once again wasn't in control luckly my mouth was.
  "I don't actually know what I'm doing here, I was going to a school interview." I stated.
  "Oh sweetie, do you expect me to believe that." He smirked at me.
  "Is there a Reaphael here?" I asked, " I have no idea why I said that. I'm just going to go." I said walking back to my car but he beat me to it.
  "I don't think so sweetheart." He smirked again just before I went out.

I opened my eyes to see bars in front of me. It looked like a fancy place couches of gold lace hung on the walls.
  "Who even is she and why would you keep her here?" A woman's voice asked from somewhere.
  "She's Ocean Farchild, the one who almost brought the downworlder uprising three years ago." A man answered.
  "Wasn't that Raphael's lover?" She asked.
  "There were rumors about that. She turned on the Clave they said she was dead or in hiding." The woman hissed.
  I sat up and Someone moved lightning quick to the other side of the bar I jumped back hitting the wall.
  "Oh look who's up. How ya doin' sunshine." A male figure stood there showing a smirk with what looked like fangs.
  "Boys what is going in here you interrupted a very important meeting with..." He stopped mid sentence when he saw me I felt like he should trigger a memory but he didn't just a small jab in my gut telling me I knew him. He stood there staring. And I stared too. He was beautiful he had fangs and dressed like he was from a different time period, he's hair was like silky black night. His eyes seeing into my soul my black darkened soul. I wanted to break the stare but it was as if he was holding my eyes there, then he broke the stare and my eyes were free.
  He looked to the man at the bars, " she came here." He shrugged.
  I looked back to him as it hit me, "Raphael!"

Here it is
Took all morning to write
But I'm in live with it
1011 words approximately
Hope ya liked it

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