Chapter 4

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Marcel's POV

The bell rang and I scurried to my locker. I threw my stuff into my backpack as fast as I could to avoid Zayn. A hand gripped my collar and whipped me around. I guess I wasn't fast enough. I looked up, expecting to see Zayn but instead it was Liam. Liam usually doesn't bother me unless he's with Zayn. 

"Hey buddy." Liam sneered. I gulped with fear. His hands balled up into a fist. Oh great. I felt a jabbing pain hit my stomach as I dropped to the ground in pain.

"That was from Zayn. He just couldn't be here to do it." Liam spat. A tear rolled down my cheek as I attempted to stand, wobbling.

"Oh is someone crying? Zayn told me to beat you until you bleed, but I lets just say, I'm going to let you off the hook." Liam called again and took off. Him doing me a favor? If he wanted to do me a favor, he didn't have to beat me up at all. He could tell Zayn to stop bullying me. Liam is actually a nice guy. But when he gets around Zayn and lets Zayn munipulate him, it's a whole another story. I grabbed my backpack and trudged off to the football field. I found a nice place on the bleachers away from everyone else. I watched as all the boys paraded onto the field, cracking perverted jokes and laughing. Zayn walked over to Liam and whispered something into his ear. Probably asking him if I'm dead. Liam whispered back and looked my way.I pulled out my book and covered my face. I did not want Zayn to see me. I peered my eyes over the book to see Zayn looking in my direction, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. Zayn shouted something at Liam that I couldn't understand and pushed him. Liam pushed back and soon they were in full out brawl. The coach and the other boys had to break it up. Zayn pushed off the other guys and ran to the other side of the field in anger. Liam slowly jogged to his postion, You could tell he was fuming. The practice began. I watched as they kicked around the ball. After a while, I became bored and decided to work on my homework.

Harry's POV

The coach blew his whistle, annoucing practice was over. 

"Styles, over here." Coach called.

"Yea, Coach?" I stated after jogging over.

"You did really good out there today. You keep playing like that and you'll be playing for the England team."


"Yep. The scouts are coming in 2 days and I schelued a special practice session for you so you can make sure you're ready."

"That awesome! Thanks Coach." I responded with excitment. Me playing for the England team? I don't think I can even begin to imagine.

"I believe in you, Styles. You have alot of potential." He shouted as I headed to the locker room. I nodded and sprinted to the locker room.

"Someone looks happy." Louis commented. I just simply laughed.

"What's gotten you all excited?" Niall quizzed.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." I stated. Niall and Louis looked at each other than shrugged.

"Hey Harry, ready for our study date?" Kylie called.

"Yea, one mintue." I said stripping of my soccer uniform and putting on my regular clothes.

"Woah, this is the guy's locker room. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Louis joked. All the guys, including me laughed.

"Let's go." I laughed, taking her hand and heading to my Range Rover.

Marcel's POV

It has been 15 mintues since Harry went into the locker room. What's taking him so long? I decide to head to the locker room. As I approach the locker room, I hear soft whispers. I peer in to see Liam and Zayn sitting talking. They whip around to see me staring at them.

"Can we help you?" Zayn spat.

" was just...wondering...if...Harry was...was... here." I stutter as they approach me.

"The locker room for athletes. Not scrawny nerds." Zayn sneered.

"I...I'll...just g..go." I say heading for the door.

"No so fast." Zayn says slyly, grabbing my arm.

"Liam go get the car." Zayn demanded.

"Um okay, why?"

"Cause I said so." Zayn said through gritted teeth. Liam nodded and left the room. Zayn pulls me into the locker room.

"Since Liam obviously didn't beat you up earlier, I guess I will." Zayn snapped. He began hitting, kicking, slapping, punching, you name it, he did it to me. I whimpered in pain as he continuelessly jabbed me in the stomach.

"I got the car." Liam said staring at us. Zayn kicked me on last time in the gut and ran off with Liam. I sat on the floor for who knows how long and cried. After I cried until no more tears would fall, I gathered my things and made the long trudge home since Harry obviously wasn't gonna take me home. Where did he even go? He was supposed to drive me home and he knew that. When I finally made it home, I took the spare key from under the mat and let myself in. The house was empty. I guess my mom had to work late tonight. I ran upstairs to take a shower. As I stripped my clothes, I examined my body. Bruises were everywhere. I shuttered at the ugly sight and jumped into the warm hot shower. I put on a white V-neck and gray sweats that I borrowed from Harry and walked downstairs to watch T.V. I flipped through the channels, mindlessly. If only Harry hadn't run off to who knows where, I could have totally avoided that last beating. This is why I hate being Harry's twin brother.

A/N: I promise guys the story is about to get ten times better. You just wait. Comment and vote please. 51 reads guys. Its not a whole lot but it's pretty good for 4 chapters. Thanks babes ilysm c:

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