Chapter 1

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Marcel's POV

I groaned as my alarm blared into my ears, awaking me from my slumber. I was just getting to the best part of my dream when my teacher tells me I got an A on my test and I get a full ride into Uni. If I play my cards right, it will be a reality. I drag my tired body out of bed to head towards the bathroom. I pass by my twin brother, Harry, room. I see his limp, yet strong body collapsed onto his unkept bed. I trudge over to wake him up. As I peer into his room, I get a good glance as the messy heap. Clothes, video games, trash and more are spread about the room. It looks like a tornado went through here. If only he kept his room as tidy as I did. I sigh and tip toe over to his bed. 

"Harry, time to get up." I mutter. No response. 

"Harry, come on get up." I say again, a bit louder. This time he stirs a bit snoring louder. Yup, he's a snorer. I know, ugh. 

"Harry get your lazy butt up!!" I shout shaking him violently. Harry shots up, startled. 

"I'm up, I'm up." He calls looking dazed and confused. 

"About time." I reply snorting a bit. 

"What time is it?" He grumbles. 

"Time for school, now come on get a move on." I say slapping his butt playfully. We're brothers, thats what we do. He sighs loudly slumping into his bed again. I laugh and head towards the bathroom. I want the hot water. I slip into the shower and put on my usual outfit. A sweater vest with khakis and my brown doc martens. I know it sounds nerdy, but I like to look professional at school. It helps me focus. I take my comb and slick hair ever so slowly, clumping on gel. I finish the last touches and slip on my black glasses. Perfect. I exit the bathroom as Harry comes trudging by looking half dead. His usual morning self. I walk downstairs into the kitchen where my mom is making breakfast. 

"Morning mom." I call. 

"Morning honey." She replys giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

"Do you need any help?" I ask. I always like to help out. She does so much since my parents divorced when I was 7 and my older sister, Gemma, is away at college. 

"Could you set the table? That would be nice." 

"Sure thing, mom." I stated and began to place the plates on the table.  

"Where's Harry?" My mom quizzed as she placed eggs and bacon on my plate. 

"Upstairs getting ready. You know how he is in the morning." I respond. 

"Its like waking up the dead." She joked as we chuckled. I placed the eggs and bacon in my mouth. Yum. 

"This is delicious, mom." I praised. 

"Oh honey you can never go wrong with eggs and bacon but thank you." She explained. She always talked about being a horrible cook, but I thought her cooking was actually pretty good. I hear loud steps cascasding from the stairs. A somewhat less tired looking Harry enters the kitchen and sits at the table across from me. He begins to stuff his face like he hasn't eaten food in years. 

"You must be hungry there, Harry." My mom pipes up. 

"You have no idea. Anyways, I have football ( A/N: Also known as soccer) after school today." He explained.  

"I bet Marcel won't mind staying to watch, right?" My mom says. It was more like a statement than a question. My mom thinks if I hang out with Harry, I'll make more friends. But sadly, that will never happen unless a miracle were to happen. Me and Harry are complete opposites. He's the cool jock while I'm the weird nerd. Thats how its always kinda been. In elementary school, Harry would play football with his friends during recess while I read a book. Thats just our personalities. The only thing we twin is our appearence but even still, Harry's considered the "cute" one.  

"Uh sure, I could use the fresh air." I state flashing a fake smile. I hate going to his pratices. There so boring and honestly pointless. But somehow Harry gets a thrill out of running around, sweating, and getting dirty while kicking a ball around. Not my kind of party. I put my plate in the sink, grab my backpack, and head out, giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. I climb into the passenger seat of Harry's black BMW. For our sixteen birthday, Harry got a car and I got this awesome telescope. Harry ended up getting the short end of the stick because he has to drive me anywhere I want, whenever. Harry climbed into the drivers seat and off to school we went, which I was not looking forward to.


A/N: Yes Marcel and Harry look the same. They are identical twins. The story does get better from here, I just have to develop the characters. I don't want to do it like a missing child report. 

Name: Marcel Styles 

Age: 17 

Hometown: Homles Chapel, Chesire, England 

Reputation: Nerd 

Like no that is so lame and cheesy. Carrot fan fictions are written like that. Anyways comment and vote. I'd really love it.

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