Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

"I am handing back your test grades. Some of you did great, some of you did not." Mrs. Miller, my science teacher stated. As she placed a paper on my desk, I took a good glance at my grade. 64. Another failing grade. I watched as she gave Marcel his paper, giving him a good job. The bell rang as I gathered my things.

"Hey we're eating lunch on the field with the cheerleaders today." Louis called. I nodded and headed towards my twin brother, Marcel. 

"What did you get on the test?" I asked.

"100, what about you?"


"Harry, mum's going to kill you."

"I know."

"You should study more."

"I've been busy with football and stuff."

"These are the times you wish you were smart like me, eh?" Marcel called back before exiting the classroom. Marcel has always been the smart one. Since primary school. He would always get straight A's while I got straight C's. The only thing I'm good at is kicking a ball and flirting with girls. Without that, I'm nothing. Marcel has his whole future infront of him. With his kind of grades, he could get into any college he pleases. Me on other hand, if I don't get a football scholarship, there is no college for me. I'll have to become a school janitor or worse. That's why lately, all I've been able to think about is football and the occasional cute girls. I'm depending on football to get me to college with my best buds, Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn. I throw my stuff in my locker and head towards the football field. My home. I have been playing football for as long as I can remember. I feel so free and smart. This is the one thing that I can do better than Marcel besides getting a girl.

"Hey lads, what's up?" I say as I approach the bleachers that they are currently sitting on. The cheerleaders surround them wearing their short cheer uniforms. Oh la la. 

"Nothing much, are you coming to practice after school?" Louis states.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world." I reply.

"Wanna swing by my house after and study?" Kylie, the cheer captain questions. She has sexy plaitum blonde hair, huge boobs, and the cutest bum ever. I grinned. Know me and her, I highly doubt there will be much studying going on.

"Sure thing." I state, a smirk playing on my lips. Oh wait, I have to drive Marcel home. I'll just hurry up and drop him off then go back out. The rest of the school day carrys on slowly until the day finally ends. I sprint to my locker, grabbing my backpack and heading to the locker room. I have been waiting for practice all day and my "Study Date" with Kylie. I whipped on my clothes and rushed out onto the field to start my daily mile we do before every practice. As adreniline ran through me, I knew the rest of today was gonna be awesome.

A/N: Sorry this is so short!! I just really wanted to update!! I know this was kind of lame but I needed to establish Harry's character so I could get into the drama/problem. I'm so excited I have it all planned out its gonna be awsome sauce. Vote, comment, you know the drill. Bye babes c;

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