{chapter five}

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Colten woke the next morning with his face pressed into his pillow, he had a horrible habit of laying flat on his stomach. Usually leaving him squinting awake from the swelling it caused his eyes.

He turned onto his back as the morning sun started to shine in his window. Today would be a slower day, all he had to do was some things around the house and then wait, for Saturday morning to roll around.

He heard the faint sound of the vacuum downstairs and knew he had a few minutes to just wake up and relax with Alma already taking care of Ella.

Rubbing his face, he sat up and looked around his barren room. It didn't seem to matter how much Alma tried to clean it or make it smell nice, it refused to accept a woman's touch.

He got up hoping the room would change it's mind one day, then dressed himself quick

and walked downstairs with a pair of socks in his hand.

The vacuum now off, he heard Peter in the kitchen talking.

Colten walked in and took in the situation, “Morning.”

Peter smiled at him as he chewed a doughnut in his mouth, “I brought food.” He pointed at the box of doughnuts as he grabbed another one.

Colten sat down across from him, “Why have you decided to come over?” Pulling his socks on.

Peter swallowed what was in his mouth, “Colten's grumpy this morning.”

The older nanny turned to the men, “Coffee?”

Colten glanced up as he finished with the socks, “I will, thanks, Alma”

She nodded and turned back away.

Peter started up again, “And what do you mean why am I here? You told me to come over Friday to help you fix the side of the barn.”

Colten thought that through, which it ended up being completely true, “Oh right.”

Peter smiled, “Are you losing it?”

“Close to it, I'm sure.” Colten stood and didn't let Alma completely serve him. He took the cup from her and started drinking it.

Peter let his alpha sit back down before he continued the torture on him, “Going to elaborate?”

Alma broke up the conversation before Colten could answer him, “Colten, there's some mail here for you here and I'm going to go to the grocery store for food but I didn't see the food allowance this morning.”

Colten paused and then looked to Peter, “Got any cash I can borrow?”

Peter pulled out his wallet, “At least I know you're good for it.”

Colten took the money from his friend and passed it to the nanny, “Would you mind taking Ella?”

“Of course not.” She smiled, “See you in a bit.” She left the kitchen and Peter was quick to pick up the same conversation again.


Colten took another sip of coffee and creased his brow, “So?”

Peter rolled his eyes, “Are you going to tell me why you're losing it?”

“No.” Colten grumbled and stood, walking to the pile of mail, “It's nothing. I'm just exhausted from the week.”

“Boring.” Peter grumbled, “Oh, tomorrow I'm going to watch the Rodeo, are you going? Bringing Ella or something?”

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